
Lesley’s beauty A-Z

Harley Street Skin Clinic’s Lesley Reynolds continues her 26-part series taking you through the natural skin care ingredient­s from A-Z, this week, the incredible Is


I RISH MOSS A form of red algae, with many amazing skin and health benefits. Containing 15 of the 18 essential elements that make up the human body, including calcium, iodine, sulphur and potassium, as well as numerous vitamins. It helps to repair and treat skin conditions such as eczema, rashes, sunburn and psoriasis.


Green People Hydrating Calming Serum, £21, helps boost collagen production and is a great tonic to soothe ultra sensitive skin. I

RIS The humble iris is becoming an increasing­ly popular ingredient in skin care. It comes in two forms, florentina extract and orris root, and is a great natural option. Antioxidan­ts like iris protect skin, leaving it plumper and firmer.



Iris Hydrating Night Cream, £17.50, with iris root, which helps to stimulate keratin production, protecting your skin from the sun. I CE From fighting fat and smoothing cellulite to firming skin and softening wrinkles, procedures that expose the skin to extreme temperatur­es can quickly boost circulatio­n and restore glow. Even the beauty industry is jumping on the icy bandwagon with everything from ice rollers and serum cubes.

BUY: The Ice Roller, £10.99 (, is a handheld device that looks like a mini roller, and has a water and gel-filled head that is frozen. It can be used daily to refresh skin, shrink pores and treat baggy eyes, or to ease painful joints. DIY: Ice cube therapy

Used in medicine to heal skin and wounds, ice cubes can help shrink pores and fight wrinkles. Wrap them in gauze and don’t use straight from the freezer – let them rest at room temperatur­e for a few minutes. If skin is sensitive, thin, or has broken capillarie­s, only use for a minute. For extra benefits, you can make cubes using rosewater, green tea or a drop of lavender.

l Following a late night, rub an ice cube over cleansed skin.

Stroking it across your forehead, under your eyes, and across your cheeks, chin and neck.

l Make your own skin boosters by freezing serum into trays and use after exfoliatin­g.

l De-puff swollen eyes

by wrapping an ice cube in cling film and rubbing under and over eyes for 30 seconds.

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