
Tony Cowell chats to Miles Nazaire


MadeinChel­sea’s resident lothario, the good-looking Miles Nazaire, has become one of the E4 hit show’s favourite cast members since he joined in 2018, and has already been romantical­ly linked with co-stars Zara McDermott and Tiff Watson. Here, the 24-year-old fitness fanatic, who is halfFrench and comes from a creative family (his English mother, Victoria, is a sculptor, while his French dad, Jacques, is a musician and painter) opens up about his mental health struggles – and how his bond with fellow MIC members Tristan Phipps and Harvey Armstrong inspired him to take part in a gruelling challenge...

You recently took part in a 24-hour charity bike ride. What was that about?

When lockdown happened, all the gyms closed, and we were struggling to keep fit at home. We thought, we have to find a challenge we’ve never done before – but we wanted to do it for a great cause. So, we chose the NHS and Mind – because myself and my Made in Chelsea castmates, Tristan and Harvey, have all had anxiety and mental health issues in the past, and been very open with each other about discussing them. There was so much incredible support on the day from our friends, families and audience, which is what kept us pushing through.

So lockdown became your inspiratio­n?

Yes, because we are all in this together, and trying to find ways to stay active and, in a way, stay sane! I think a lot of people really struggled with having to stay at home – so this was our way to try to give something back. We hope to raise £24,000 for our chosen charities. On the day, we were lucky that we managed to get support from other MIC cast members, and had former MIC cast member Josh Patterson and Love Island’s Wes Nelson supporting us on social media.

Was it hard to train?

Yes, the first couple of weeks in particular were very hard, because we were used to training in a gym – so not to be able to even get to a park was difficult – but that has been the same for a lot of people. Training at home just isn’t the same. But things are changing.

You joined Made in Chelsea in 2018 – how has it changed your life?

It was a huge change for me, coming from having a normal 9-5 job [at a TV station; he now has his own YouTube channel] and suddenly finding myself on a major reality TV show. I did know some people on the show, before I went in – including James Taylor, who encouraged me to do it in the first place. I was only supposed to do a couple of episodes, but I was lucky – the producers liked me, and kept me on.

Have there been any downsides to stardom?

There are definitely pros and cons to being on a reality show. It can get stressful, there can be emotional moments where you suddenly think ‘ Woah… I’m sharing this vulnerable side of myself to all these viewers’. But it’s up to you to stay strong and, more importantl­y, be yourself. I wouldn’t be on this show, if I wasn’t confident about who

I am as a person.

How do you deal with the attention, off-screen?

I still find it a bit crazy that people want to have their photo taken with me, or stop to talk to me in the street! In a way, I have become accustomed to that, but I still remain really honoured by it all. I hope that, in some way, I can be an inspiratio­n to people – and be able to help others, too. I always try to remain true to myself – I’m still just a normal guy who’s happy to chat to anyone on the street.

‘I find it crazy that people want to have their photo taken with me’

When you were offered the role, did you chat to your parents about it?

When I was offered the job, I wasn’t that keen. I wasn’t sure it was for me. So, I called my dad and told him about the offer and he just said, ‘Do it Miles, it’s an opportunit­y, and if you don’t like it, you can always quit.’ So now, he and my mum watch me all the time, and love it!

I hear you’re quite the dancer, and fancy doing Strictly – is that true?

Yes, that’s right. I think Strictly is a brilliant, family show, but in no way would I say I was a great dancer! But I do love a bit of tango and salsa, so I think Strictly would be an amazing challenge.

When might MIC be back on TV, then?

We stopped filming just prior to lockdown, but we’ve all done a few things on social media. We’re hoping to start filming again properly later in the summer. Fingers crossed! You can still donate to Miles’ challenge at nem8t-24-hours.

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With the MIC gang on a trip to Buenos Aires
/ ram tag pps Ins phi . tan tris Miles has been getting close to Tiff Watson With the MIC gang on a trip to Buenos Aires
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 ??  ?? On yer bike! Miles’ cycle is raising money for charity
On yer bike! Miles’ cycle is raising money for charity

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