
Crossword: Win £550


Use the anagrams, straight, cryptic, quiz and picture clues to solve the crossword. When completed correctly, the pink squares, reading top to bottom, left to right, will reveal the answer to the question below:

In The Simpsons episode Treehouse of Horror VII, PICTURE C learns that he has a twin brother called what? (4) This is your prize answer. Enter by using the numbers at the top of the grid or at hearstmaga­­720

ACROSS 7 It was CAVIAR E that really showed up people’s greed! (7) 9 Turn the ___ cheek, common expression (5) 10 Planetary path (5) 11 ANAGRAM ITICILL 12 Neither that one or the alternativ­e (3) 13 If at first you don’t succeed, try and ___, saying (3,5) 16 What language, the official form of Chinese, is the most widely spoken in the world? (8) 17 As American as apple ___, saying (3) 19 One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the legendary Hanging Gardens were to be found where? (7) 21 In snooker, what colour ball has a pot value of four points? (5) 22 PICTURE A What is his nationalit­y? (5) 23 Complete the title of the play by Oscar Wilde: The Importance of Being ___ (7) DOWN 1 PICTURE B Name her (7) 2 What is the capital of Australia? (8) 3 What herb is used to make a sauce that is a popular accompanim­ent to roast lamb? (4) 4 Substance used in a cosmetic procedure to plump up lips, eg (8) 5 Elegant and stylish (4) 6 God’s honest ___, saying (5) 8 Who wrote Wuthering Heights? (5,6) 13 Itemised summary of things you want to achieve (2-2,4) 14 PRIM DOVE was much better than the scruffy one! (8) 15 If you pay ___, you get monkeys, expression (7) 18 ANAGRAM BYASS 20 Heat water to 100˚C (4) 21 PICTURE C Name this Simpson (4)

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 ??  ??

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