



My fight with chronic pain, brought on by three discs out of place, has been not only a battle for me, but it’s made me less judgementa­l. I’ve always been a cleanlines­s and smell snob. Don’t ask me why, but I now realise that’s the totally shameful way I was likely to judge you as a person.

Crippling pain gives a person – this person – a chance to realise what’s really important… and that’s health. Not being able to bend down, reach, pick things up when I drop them, put things in the right place, and keep a sense of order has been frustratin­g, shameful and humbling. Without help, without Ruth, I wouldn’t be able to cook or clean up after myself. Dishes would be in the sink for days, because I just wouldn’t have the strength or motivation to keep the house as close to a ‘show house’ as I could.

What now really matters to me is to get healthy again – and stay that way.

I’ve learned there are reasons why some people can’t keep impossible standards with bodies that don’t work the way they should.

Cleaning is a tough job. The new NHS advice is to take exercise instead of tablets where and when you can. Maybe this is my chance to combine both. Staying healthy and in working order is tough, and you can’t do one without the other. I’ll do my best to stay tidy, but I need to concentrat­e more on healing, because folks, like a lot of things, you won’t miss it until it’s gone – which reminds me, I need to order a couple of scented candles…

‘What really matters is to get healthy again’

 ??  ?? Right now, clean freak Eamonn couldn’t even do the dishes
Right now, clean freak Eamonn couldn’t even do the dishes

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