
Katie’s mum: Not long to live

As Katie Price reveals that her mum Amy’s lung disease has worsened, fears grow for the future heartbreak they face…


She’s had more than her fair share of problems to deal with, but Katie Price recently revealed that she is facing her most heartbreak­ing prospect yet – the loss of her beloved mum.

Amy Price, 66, was diagnosed with an incurable lung disease in 2017, and now uses oxygen at home to help her breathe.

She moved to Spain in the hope that the better climate would help her lungs, but, in a harrowing update last week, Katie, 42, revealed that Amy ‘ hasn’t got long to live’.

In a film recorded for Steph McGovern’s chat show Steph’s Packed Lunch, Katie spoke to Amy on a video call, begging her: ‘Turn your oxygen up, Mum, you’re coughing.’

The film explores how, together, Katie and Amy have been preparing for the inevitable.

Katie spoke to a grief counsellor, Will Murtha, telling him, ‘My mum is my absolute rock, my absolute best friend and to be told she’s got an incurable breathing disease breaks my heart.’

In response, the coach tells her, ‘Grief has got a process, you’re going to be going through a form of denial, you’re going to go through a depression and then you’re going to finally reach an acceptance.

‘There needs to be a way of you and your mother talking as much as possible… the quicker you can both come to the same place of acceptance, you can really enjoy the moments.’

Amy’s condition, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) , causes scarring inside the lungs, making breathing difficult – and there is no cure. But brave Amy insists she will fight to carry on for as long as possible, saying, ‘I’ve not given up yet.’

Katie said: ‘Because we know we’re losing Mum, nothing goes unsaid. I know everything about her and she knows everything about me.’

She added: ‘I miss holding her and giving her a cuddle, but there’s a lot of banter on our family Zooms too, because if we didn’t muck about we’d never get through it. She knows that out of everyone, I’ll be the one who cares for her at the end.’

We wish all the very best to this devoted mother and daughter – who can draw strength from their powerful bond.

‘I miss holding her and giving her a cuddle’

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