
‘I secretly fangirl over my guests!’

Katie Piper is back with a double serving of her


It’s twice the fun for Katie Piper now, as her BreakfastS­how returns for a third series! This time, however, rather than just Sundays, she’ll be bringing us her lively mix of celeb guests, experts, and regular features every Saturday, too! Here, the 40-year-old presenter reveals all about her new run – and how her antics on the show cross into her home life…

Hi Katie. What do you love about hosting your show?

I like the fact that it’s a real mixture. Some of the other projects I do can be very serious and hard-hitting. Then there’s


Loose Women, which is topical, news-led debate. But with the Breakfast Show there’s such a blend! We’ve got celebritie­s, experts, podcasters, craft creators, content trends – all different kinds of things. So, it doesn’t feel like any day is the same.

Are you excited about the new series?

Yes, I’m really excited – but I hope we can invite some of the old guests back too. You never really stop secretly fangirling in your head over the guests – but you can’t say anything as you’ve got to look profession­al! The show is starting to feel like my home now, which is great. It’s very different from some of the documentar­ies

and other telly I’ve done.

Your new Saturday show will see you talking about must-watch TV and entertainm­ent. How do you choose what to watch or listen to?

We’re spoiled for choice these days – which I think is a great thing, but I do sometimes get anxiety that I’ve got so much backing-up that I need to watch. You then have to be really careful in conversati­ons as you don’t want people to give you spoilers! I also listen to lots of podcasts because I’m a real multitaske­r. I’m able to head into work in the car listening to a podcast while I’m stuck in traffic. When I do domestic stuff at home I don’t listen to music anymore, I’ll put on podcasts and put the washing away or tidy-up. Even when I’m at the gym, I’ll watch telly as I’m doing my cardio. I’m very mobile with my viewing – my headphones come everywhere with me.

Talking about the gym, you cover a lot of fitness and wellness trends on the show, is this something you’re keen to share?

Fitness and wellness have been important to me all through my life at different stages – and for different reasons. Everyone has different limitation­s, as well as varying access to health and fitness because of economic reasons, disabiliti­es, or lifestyle. But it’s always helped me feel in control of my

life and mental health. It’s also great to share in a relationsh­ip – me and Richie go to Pilates or run together for our dates!

Your enthusiasm for the Creative Corner is infectious! Is crafting something you enjoy?

We do tons of arts and crafts at home, as well as a lot of upcycling – so the kids (she has two daughters, Belle, nine, and Penelope, seven) will get stuff from a charity shop or we go litter-picking and junk modelling. Let’s face it, anything the kids make is secretly going to the bin about three days later! I’m actually not that good at any of it, either, but because I’m so busy and chaotic I find it calms and centres me. I find it really helpful to be able to concentrat­e on just one thing. I think that’s why I’m passionate about the morning crafts. It’s not about being a really talented artistic person – it’s about what it does for you.

We love the Sunday ShoutOut part of the show where you share viewers’ stories. Why was this such an important segment for you?

In my online world, I’ve got such a good following. People moan about trolls on the internet, but my followers are all really lovely – and I learn so much from them. They’re always tagging me in their own stories of success, adversity, or happiness. It’s just so nice that I have this fantastic timeline of all of their wonderful achievemen­ts. So, I thought: ‘ Wouldn’t it be nice to share my positive timeline with the viewers of the Breakfast Show?’.

Okay, so if you could give someone a shout-out right now, who would it be?

I would say teachers. We had a parents’ evening recently at our school, and we’re in the process of choosing a secondary school for my eldest. It’s so stressful – all that responsibi­lity on your shoulders for your child’s future and happiness! I’m feeling that pressure over just one child, and teachers have that weight on their shoulders every day for all the children they teach and care about. They’ve had a really hard time through lockdown and online learning. And every child has suffered from not having traditiona­l education for that year. Teachers are the unsung heroes.

You always ask your guests to show you their phone background – so go on, what’s on yours?

Well, I know most people with kids have their children as the background on their phone, but I actually don’t! My kids don’t mind. I like to keep mine and Richie’s identity as individual­s. I change my background regularly, and the most recent one is an unflatteri­ng picture of us coming over the finish line of a 10k race. We’ve got our hands in the air cheering, and we’re bright red! For me, it’s a fun memory of something we shared outside of our role of being mum and dad.

‘I don’t listen to music. I put on a podcast to tidy up...’

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 ?? ?? Katie with her Loose Women co-hosts... ...and hubby Richie
Katie with her Loose Women co-hosts... ...and hubby Richie
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