Bird Watching (UK)




Reports of possibly the same White-tailed Eagle came from Lough Erne (14th & 31st). Ospreys were at Lough Beg (8th), the Quoile (7th), Roe Estuary (14th), with two there (24th), over Belfast (17th), at Strand Lough (19th), with two there (24th) and at Lough Erne (24th). Little Gulls were at Sandy Bay, Larne (7th), Seahill (17th), Ballycastl­e (24th) and Killough (30th). Med Gulls were regular in every county. A Black Tern was at Belfast Harbour RSPB (from 20th). A Roseate Tern was there (19th), with two (from 23rd). There were 41 Little Egrets at Murlough (20th). Two Little Stints were at Myroe (7th) and one at Newry Estuary (27th). Spotted Redshanks were at Ballycarry (22nd) and Belfast Harbour RSPB (29th). Green Sandpipers were at the River Maine, Co. Antrim (3rd) and Lough Beg (28th), with two at Shaw’s Lake, Co. Armagh (5th). Eight Whimbrels were at the Gobbins, Co. Antrim (8th). Ruff included seven at Belfast Harbour RSPB (from 14th), with similar numbers at Lough Beg (28th). July’s Wood Sandpiper stayed at Belfast Harbour RSPB (to 4th), with a White-rumped Sandpiper (3rd-10th). In a good year for Curlew Sandpipers, Ballykelly, Co. Londonderr­y had two (21st & 28th), Myroe two (28th), the Bann Estuary four (21st), Sandy Bay, Co. Antrim one (26th) and Belfast Harbour RSPB eight (from 25th). Four Garganey were at Lough Beg (20th) and one at Belfast Harbour RSPB (28th). NIRBC-all sightings/reports can be sent to

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