Bird Watching (UK)

Will the fruit I leave out attract any Waxwings?


QI’ve been leaving windfall fruit out in my garden this autumn, and have been rewarded by visits from a number of the local Blackbirds. Someone told me that it can also attract Waxwings – is this true? R Peters

AIt is. Although Waxwings tend to home in, first of all, on berry-bearing trees and shrubs such as Rowan, Cotoneaste­r and Pyracantha, they will also eat other fruit, although they tend to prefer to take it from a perch. You could spike some of your windfall fruit on twigs and branches, to try to attract them into the garden – relatively large numbers have moved into the UK this winter and are roaming around, looking for food. Even if you don’t get these particular ‘invaders’, your fruit might attract Fieldfares and Redwings, which will come into gardens during cold weather.

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