Bird Watching (UK)



This bird looks to be almost ‘chunky’, or as chunky as any bird in this group of long-winged aerial masters can be. It is neat and compact, with not particular­ly long wings, suggesting it is not a swift species but rather a hirundine. The overall colour is brown and white, with brown showing particular­ly in the face and white underparts. There is also a brown breast band, contrastin­g with the rest of the underparts, including the white throat. This combinatio­n of colour and pattern is unique among our hirundines, and belongs to the Sand Martin. The smallest of our swallows, the Sand Martin is usually the earliest to arrive in the UK (from March onwards).

KEY FEATURES †Like Bird 2, brown and white †White belly with brown band on upper breast †Martin/swallow like, almost ‘chunky’ structure †Pale undertail coverts

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