Bird Watching (UK)


Plenty of shorebirds and Red Kites abound


The beach here is made up of large pebbles and makes for a pretty, yet uncomforta­ble stroll, but the coastal path is an easy level walk. Large fields attract good numbers of finches with hedgerow and fence lines to scan. Throughout the seasons there is always interest, with arable fields attracting a good variety of birds both at migration times and year-round. WHERE TO WATCH


From the beach car park look for Mediterran­ean Gulls (present in high hundreds during summer), Kittiwakes are often present and Gannets fish offshore with the occasional passing Sandwich Tern. Red-throated Divers may be encountere­d from autumn through to spring and Common Scoter are often seen. Manx Shearwater­s also pass in high numbers while on fishing forays in summer.


Follow the coastal path south

the shoreline for Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Turnstone, Oystercatc­her, Redshank, Curlew, Golden Plover and Common Sandpiper during periods of migration. Little Egret and Grey Heron are both common. Rock Pipits and Stonechats are easy to see.


The arable fields see passage Wheatear and White Wagtail joining the resident Pied and with the occasional Yellow Wagtail joining Meadow Pipit, Sky Lark, Reed Bunting, Linnet and Chaffinch. Red Kite, Buzzard, Raven and Kestrel hunt the area. Autumn harvesting leaves fields ideal for feeding finch flocks and large flocks of corvids occur. Remember to check hedgerows and fence lines, a superb Red-backed Shrike was a recent find.


Retrace your steps and follow the coastal path north from the church towards Llanrystud. Pass the lime kilns, which can attract warblers during migration. Closer to the Llanrystud car park, a seasonal pool here may attract passage waders in spring such as Whimbrel, Black and Bar-tailed Godwits with a chance of a Little Stint or Curlew Sandpiper. Mediterran­ean Gulls here have topped over one thousand birds during summer.

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 ?? ?? The Ceredigion coast is quiet, and very bird friendly
The Ceredigion coast is quiet, and very bird friendly

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