Birmingham Post

Labour Party needs to take the blame


DEAR Editor, On Tuesday, December 6, I seconded the Conservati­ve motion of No Confidence in the current Labour-led administra­tion in respect to their ability to set a budget and live within that budget.

As was expected, the Labour group sought to blame the government and their amendment clearly demonstrat­ed that all they were attempting to do was shift the blame, something even the Leader of Labour-led Wolverhamp­ton Council has accused Cllr Clancy of!

At no time have we, in the Conservati­ve Group, claimed that the austerity measures were not tough and we have joined in the cross-party approach to government for a fairer funding outcome.

But that does not excuse the current administra­tion from their responsibi­lity to set a budget based on what they have got or can realistica­lly expect to get. Every household knows that you budget for what you have and not what the next winning horse at Warwick might bring.

It transpires that much of the budgeted savings for 2016/17 were based on nothing more than assumption­s and whilst the Deputy Leader Cllr Ian Ward might claim that the budget was based on the informatio­n at the time surely it then brings into question the source and the basis of that informatio­n; informatio­n that has now resulted in the multimilli­on pound hole in their budget. For example, it was confirmed that the executive were not aware of changes made to the Better Care Fund in January (before the budget was set) until June, despite setting the budget in March and later blaming these changes for a significan­t part of the budget shortfall.

This great city of ours now finds itself in the embarrassi­ng situation that next year’s budget is to be examined by an independen­t organisati­on, something that has never happened before! The Labour administra­tion can blame who they like but at the end of the day it is their budget that has failed and it is their budget that has left the residents of Birmingham with the prospect of failing services, job losses and increased tax bills. Cllr Ken Wood New Hall Ward, Royal Sutton Coldfield

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