Birmingham Post

Calls for cull as geese wreak havoc in park Misery for residents as hundreds of birds create a ‘no-go’ area

- Mike Lockley Staff Reporter

AN invasion of Canada geese in a popular Birmingham park has prompted calls for a cull. 100-strong flock of the birds has attacked children, stripped the open ground of grass and covered walkways with mess, creating a no-go area, say residents.

The situation at aptly-named Swanshurst Park, in Springfiel­d, Birmingham, has been made worse by large numbers of people who believe it is their religious duty to feed the oversized flock, a local councillor says. Councillor Habib Rehman has dubbed the situation dangerous – and called for a “limited cull” of the geese.

The beauty spot resembles a scene from Hitchcock’s The Birds as the noisy geese have taken over almost every inch of the once green space and the ground was littered with bread and mess.

One angry resident said: “They’ve stripped all the grass and you can’t walk for goose s***.

“I used to take my kids over park, I couldn’t do it now.

“The problem is, people not from this area come here and feed them. It is time to start culling them – or taking their eggs. They are ruining the place.” the

Councillor Rehman (Labour, Springfiel­d) said he had received complaints of members of the public being pecked.

He said: “It is becoming dangerous and the geese are scaring children. I would support a limited cull.

“Part of the problem is that some people see it as a religious duty to feed the birds.

“I think we need to educate people that feeding the geese is wrong. This is not a problem isolated to Swanshurst Park.

“Nearby Sparkhill Park has a real problem with pigeons and geese.”

Canada geese – the most common British species – is not native to these shores, being introduced in the mid- 18th century. Claire Thomas, wildlife officer for the RSPB, said Canada geese are considered a pest species and can be culled under licence.

She explained: “For that to happen, it has to be proved they present a public health and safety problem. To gain a licence, a local authority must show it has made efforts to deter the birds using humane methods.”

A spokesman for Birmingham City Council: “We are not aware of any complaints but will, of course, look into any we receive. We will also look to erect additional signs warning people of the harm that can be done by feeding the geese.”

 ??  ?? > Canadian geese have invaded Swanshurst Park, in Birmingham
> Canadian geese have invaded Swanshurst Park, in Birmingham

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