Birmingham Post

Law of complexity exploits the system


DEAR Editor, A Law of Complexity now rules this world. This Law states that “make something as complicate­d as possible, wrap it up in the legal system, keep it constantly changing, throw in some token accountabi­lity and you have the perfect recipe for the rich and powerful to exploit the rest.”

The Post continues to highlight the overturnin­g of planning committee decisions “Council U-turn on youth centre after legal threat” (November 16). I viewed the council live webcast (November 9) of the planning committee meeting which had to reverse its previous decision regarding the Hardy Spicer Sports Ground Developmen­t and the youth centre.

I would urge anyone who cares about the power of developers, the shambles of the planning process and who wants to see how far we are from democracy to view this webcast.

However, be prepared to be utterly shocked from the chairman stating, “No decisions are taken before this meeting” to the Head of Planning talking of “a gun to the head”.

It utterly exposes the way in which the scramble for housing is ruthlessly being used to build over our land, and bury the rights and needs of residents in Birmingham.

Mark Twain famously said, “Buy land, it’s not being made any more.”

Developers know this. Birmingham City Council should call a halt to selling off any more of what is actually our property until some sense returns to the system. Our MPs should be questionin­g how it’s come to this.

Barry Husband, Quinton, Birmingham

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