Birmingham Post

Formula E could revive city’s motor-racing spirit


MOTOR racing is set to return to the streets of Birmingham almost 30 years after the last city Superprix.

West Midlands Mayor Andy Street says he is optimistic that Birmingham will be confirmed as a Formula E, electric racing, venue in time for the 2019 season.

Birmingham would join the likes of Paris, Berlin, Mexico City, Hong Kong, Rome and New York and see the roads around the city centre used as a race track for the first time since 1990.

There is no British venue on the current Formula E circuit.

Negotiatio­ns by both the city council and West Midlands Combined Authority, with the Formula E governing body are at an advanced stage but both sides are optimistic a deal will be done very soon.

The Midlands motor industry and universiti­es are at the forefront of research and developmen­t of the cleaner and greener electric vehicles and a race would showcase that work.

Mr Street said: “There have been comments from Formula E who are the race runners for the electric grand prix series.

“We’ve not commented up to now but the truth is there have been negotiatio­ns going on in the background; detailed work being done to look at the track, the route we might use and we are now very close in the final negotiatio­ns over the financials to see whether we can bring a race here.

“There’s lots of work being done and I’m optimistic we will have an agreement for 2019.

“We are talking about Birmingham city centre, and the reason for doing this is electric vehicle manufactur­e is absolutely crucial to the future economy of this region.

“So what a brilliant thing to be able to be part of the worldwide series, to actually see Birmingham alongside leading global cities hosting something to say what electric vehicles are all about.”

The comments echo those of Formula E founder Alejandro Agag who said recently that he wants a UK race and Birmingham is favourite.

“We need to grow the following a lot more in the UK,” said the Spaniard.

“London is tricky. We don’t have any kind of opening there so there is no chance of that happening at the moment.

“We are open to other cities and we are talking to Birmingham about doing something. Birmingham is firm favourite.”

The possibilit­y arose after a date in Montreal, Canada, was axed following a change of mayor.

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