Birmingham Post

Comment Cabinet split harms our carmakers


That’s not to say they’re wrong. But they appear to be in a minority on the Cabinet sub-committee dealing with Brexit.

They include Mr Johnson, who, remarkably, described the Prime Minister’s proposal as “crazy” in an interview.

Mrs May’s Customs Partnershi­p is an attempt to answer the question of what to do about the Customs Union.

This may sound like an esoteric question, but it’s important.

The Customs Union is the mechanism that allows products to be transporte­d with more or less no restrictio­ns between EU countries.

Instead of checking goods at the borders of each individual country, they just get checked at the borders of the Customs Union as a whole. So once they are inside the EU, or if they were manufactur­ed in the EU in the first place, then no more checks are needed.

Carmakers have lengthy and complex supply chains stretching across the EU. The system works because the parts make their way from the supplier to the carmaker quickly. But it would fall apart if they were stuck in a queue waiting to be checked by customs, which is what will happen if the UK leaves the Customs Union without an alterna- tive arrangemen­t. The trouble is that in order for a customs union to work, every country involved needs to have the same trade deals with the countries outside it.

Mrs May’s answer is to create a Customs Partnershi­p.

It basically keeps the UK in a customs union with the EU. However, the UK would collect tariffs on any goods that came into the UK which were ultimately bound for the EU, and then hand the money to Brussels.

This way, the UK would still be able to import and export goods with the EU without delays, but it would also be free to sign its own trade deals.

Mr Clark suggested to Mr Marr that some carmakers might only continue investing in the UK if an arrangemen­t like this were put in place.

He said: “I was talking this week to the global president of Toyota Motors. They’re making a big decision as to whether or where the next motor plant should be in Europe. We’ve got a very successful one in Deeside at the moment, in North Wales. But there are choices as to whether that should be located on the continent.”

He added: “The nature of that business is that parts come – or 50 per cent of the parts come from out of the country. They come through every hour of the day and night.

“They’re not allowed to arrive at the part two hours early or two hours late.”

Some carmakers have been very vocal about their concerns. For example, they have given evidence to House of Commons committees, highlighti­ng the importance of maintainin­g some sort of customs union.

Jaguar Land Rover, which has plants in Birmingham and Solihull, has not been as outspoken. But the points raised by other carmakers, and by Mr Clark, apply to JLR too.

Nonetheles­s, the Customs Partnershi­p plan has been rejected by Mr Johnson.

He told the Daily Mail: “If you have the new customs partnershi­p, you have a crazy system whereby you end up collecting the tariffs on behalf of the EU at the UK frontier.

“If the EU decides to impose punitive tariffs on something the UK wants to bring in cheaply there’s nothing you can do.”

By all accounts, he’s backed by Cabinet colleagues including Brexit Secretary David Davis, Environmen­t Secretary Michael Gove, Internatio­nal Trade Secretary Liam Fox, Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson and Home Secretary Sajid Javid (the MP for Bromsgrove).

It means the Government currently doesn’t have a clear policy. It’s hard to see how agreement within the Cabinet can be reached.

But the continued uncertaint­y is not good for the car industry which plays a vital role in the West Midlands economy.

The continued uncertaint­y is not good for the car industry

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