Birmingham Post

Give to charities – not chuggers


DEAR Editor, In recent months the area around St Philip’s Cathedral has seen a plague of ‘chuggers’ (charity touts).

Whilst the charities are indeed genuine, these people, many of whom are convinced that they are legitimate fundraiser­s, actually work for agencies and the named charities receive only a very small percentage of the donation plans which are being promoted.

Far from being charity collectors, the chuggers are really street traders without a licence. Those of us who remember the Saturday flag days in the city centre will know that all of the volunteer collectors were licensed by the city council and sealed tins were used to make sure that the charity received every single penny that was collected.

I would urge people to ignore these chuggers who will eventually go away when they fail to do business. Instead one should give direct to the charities – it is easy enough to find contacts for sending money or signing up for donation plans.

However, there is one shining example of a proper Flag Day at the end of this month – the Royal National Lifeboat Institutio­n – and all of us should do what we can to support this worthy cause which relies on the efforts of volunteers. It ensures that all donations go to the work of the organisati­on and not to agencies. Professor Frederick J Trowman-Rose,


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