Birmingham Post

We need equality in all our schools



DEAR Editor, Congratula­tions to Khalid Mahmood for voicing disquiet over discrimina­tion to girls in the Al-Hijrah School (‘Islamic school that splits boys and girls at lunch condemned’, Post, February 7).

I am afraid though that this is only one of many such indignitie­s foisted upon girls in several of our schools which are supposed to adhere to “British values” of equality. If children and teenagers do not mix together in ALL our schools what hope is there for society going forward?

What with segregatio­n, constant testing and pressure added from social media overdrive, when can our young people just be themselves - no wonder we have a self-harming crisis with under-17s as also reported last week.

Our hostile and austerity-driven environmen­t breeds worry, hate, disappoint­ment and depression among many citizens. The Government are building a legacy we will not forget – will we recover?

Meriel S, Quinton, Birmingham recent attempt has been made to clear the problem. The rubbish was particular­ly bad along the A45 from Bordesley Circus in the Small Heath area to the roundabout at the Asda store and on into Hay Mills. Even as far as Sheldon Country Park the situation was totally unacceptab­le for Britain’s Second City and a city which is supposed to have reinvented itself as a visitor and conference venue.

The indescriba­ble filth of the route to the airport is matched by the almost equally litterstre­wn stretch of the Bristol Road along its length from the city centre to the Longbridge island.

What has happened to civic pride? Do local residents not organise litter-picking sessions where the council has failed in its duty to provide a clean environmen­t?

Contrast this with arrival in Prague and the bus journey into that city, along its pristine, well-lit streets where people can walk in safety on the well-maintained pavements and where tram lines neatly delineate the route.

Birmingham needs to pull its socks up to avoid being known as the litter capital of the UK.

Mark Young, Worcester

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