Birmingham Post

Biker died under Land Rover at junction


A FATHER died in a fatal crash at a notorious blackspot after he was thrown from his motorbike and slid beneath a 4x4, an inquest heard.

Gary Simpson’s Suzuki GSF

1200 smashed into the back of a Land Rover Discovery as the car was making a right turn at the junction of Stourbridg­e Road and Richmond Street in Halesowen.

An inquest heard the 38-yearold was doing at least 60mph.

He was found by relatives moments after the crash.

The Land Rover driver had driven just metres from her home and was making a right turn when she heard a thud and spotted the motorbike on the ground on July 17, the Black Country Coroner’s Court was told.

Paramedics tried to save Mr Simpson, of Newbury Lane, Oldbury, but he died at the scene.

Mr Simpson’s partner Julie-Ann Sadler said in a statement: “Gary was a loving giant. He had the biggest heart and would help or do anything for anyone. Gary was a big family man. He was an amazing dad, partner, brother, son, and amazing friend.

“The loss of Gary has shocked and upset many people, including family and friends and work colleagues.”

Det Con Manjit Gill, of West Midlands Police’s collision investigat­ion unit, said: “As the Land Rover was turning, unfortunat­ely Mr Simpson and the bike have collided with the back of the it and as a result, Mr Simpson ended up underneath the Land Rover.”

Black Country Coroner Zafar Siddique concluded that a road traffic accident had resulted in a head injury that caused Mr Simpson’s death.

He also asked for more informatio­n from West Midlands Police about the number of collisions which had occurred at the same junction after concerns were raised it was a road accident hotspot.

 ?? ?? > Gary Simpson, 38, who died
> Gary Simpson, 38, who died

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