Birmingham Post

You never get tired of playing We Are The Champions

Queen’s long-serving drummer Roger Taylor talks to ALEX GREEN about stepping up as frontman, plans for the future and the unlikely prospect of retirement

- Outsider is out now

“IT’S like dipping a toe in the water after not having had a bath for many years,” says Roger Taylor, in typically affable fashion, as he prepares to tour solo for the first time in two decades. “It’s going to be interestin­g.”

Playing alongside flamboyant figures Freddie Mercury and Brian May might have distracted fans from the Queen drummer’s virtuosity. But Roger has also enjoyed a parallel music career since the late 1980s, as lead singer and guitarist in his own rock band, The Cross.

“The good thing about songs is that if they are good they live forever,” he says. “There they are. It’s not like being a famous chef where you have to do it every night!”

Roger lives in a converted priory in Puttenham, Surrey with his second wife, Sarina Potgieter, but spent lockdown at his second home in Cornwall. This is where the idea of Outsider, his first album of new solo material in nearly a decade, began to take shape.

“We had space to stroll about – but not everybody did,” he recalls.

“I remember seeing pictures from Milan of people stuck in their apartments singing some of our songs out the window.

“It was wonderful in a way but I remember thinking, ‘God’. And it went on for months. It was pretty scary actually.”

The first song he wrote during that time was called Isolation and it features on the record. Soon he had an album’s worth of material ranging from direct stadium rock to meditative psychedeli­a and more.

“It was the stimulatio­n of boredom and also borne out of the strange period of not knowing what was going to happen,” he recalls.

“You are feeling that your freedom is curtailed. Everybody has this. We didn’t know what was going to happen next. It put everybody on the same level in a certain way, apart from Dominic Cummings obviously,” he adds, taking a swipe at Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s former top adviser.

“It was an odd period and it also focused the mind. I just thought, ‘I’m going to make some good use of this period of enforced semiimpris­onment’.”

Roger is delighted by the success of the vaccine roll out, in part because it means he can get back to his raison d’etre: playing to fans.

“The anti-vaxxers I don’t get,” he growls. “I don’t understand that at all. It seems to be borne of pure ignorance and an amount of arrogance and the conspiracy theories. It’s pathetic, actually.

“Of course vaccinatio­ns work and we are so lucky to have them, to enable our own bodies to fight the virus. I know people that think it is some giant conspiracy. I just don’t understand them and to be honest I just think it is idiotic not to be vaccinated.

“And as for people only doing concerts for people who are not vaccinated, that is even more stupidity.”

Lockdown reinforced Roger’s desire to perform – and at 72 years old, age is no barrier.

“I don’t get tired at all. I really enjoy seeing the audience enjoying itself. It is a feedback thing. It lifts you every time. Of course, we know some of those songs backwards. It sounds like we are playing them backwards sometimes!

“But that’s the thing, it’s the audience interactio­n. You never get tired of playing We Are The Champions. It is such a b ***** great song and you can see it lifting an audience.”

Roger describes the idea of “endless retirement” as “horrendous”.

“Tick tock, time is rushing by, when you get to the age of Brian and myself,” he laughs. “We are just getting older and I don’t think we will be able to do it that much longer, and while we still can do it, we intend to keep doing it.

“And same applies to Queen actually. We realised that this is what we do. This is what we love doing. And while we still can do it at a good level, we will.

“As soon as we can’t we shall retire with some shred of dignity.

“You can’t do this forever but as long as we can do it properly we will do it. And obviously as long as people want to see it.”

Queen are enjoying a resurgence in their career, in part due to the success of 2018 biopic Bohemian Rhapsody. Now their concerts attract a broader demographi­c of fans, from those in their 20s to older listeners with their young children.

“It’s brilliant,” says Roger. “It’s such a mixture of ages.”

During lockdown, Queen earned their first number one album in 25 years with Live Around The World, a compilatio­n featuring highlights from their decade of touring with ex-American Idol contestant Adam Lambert on vocal duties.

So far, however, there has been no new music from the group, although they have apparently been experiment­ing in the studio.

“It’s the right material,” Roger says, adding, “It’s got to be good. It’s got to stand up to our old stuff which is very strong.”

Roger is as enthusiast­ic about music as ever. He admits, with gentle self-deprecatio­n, that this urge might just be driven by insecurity.

“You don’t want to feel superfluou­s,” he admits. “I was going to say ‘useful’ but that would be a bit cruel – there are an awful lot of retired people in the country who have earned their rest, their retirement. But life is good and it’s nice to be working.”

 ?? ?? Roger Taylor has released his first new album of solo material
in a decade
Roger Taylor has released his first new album of solo material in a decade
 ?? ?? Roger on drums with singer Adam Lambert and guitarist Brian May
Roger on drums with singer Adam Lambert and guitarist Brian May
 ?? ?? Roger singing with Freddie Mercury in 1976
Roger singing with Freddie Mercury in 1976

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