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\Coupar Angus


Abbey Church The service on Sunday was led by the minister, Andrew Graham. Bible readings from Jeremiah ch 28 v 1 to 9 Romans ch 6 v 15 to 23 and Matthew ch 10 v 40 to 42, were read by Jo Chinn. In the first reading the ‘prophet’ seems to be telling people what they want to hear, and in the second reading the prophet tells people what they ought to hear, he tells them how it is. Rev Graham opened his sermon informing those gathered of the latest surveys stating that church attendance continues to fall, and pointing out that many still claim to have a spirituali­ty of some sort. This could be the pursuit of a healthy diet, or exercise, or some other following which they can do or opt out of when they wish, but spirituali­ty in the sense of God is not like that. When people live the life God wants, doing good things for others, there is no time out. People should be seeking ways to share the gifts that God has given them, with others. In verse 42 in Matthew we learn that we should serve even the least important people in society, that everyone deserves the love of God. We should uplift those who are down trodden, share the gift from God given to us by the Holy Spirit. God’s will is for us to share his love with all people so that they too can enter into His kingdom. The sermon was followed by the hymn God forgave my sin in Jesus name. Austin Wilkie played Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring by JS Bach, Meditation in F by John Guest and Trumpet Voluntary by J Clarke. The Prayer Group meet every Wednesday at 2pm in the Abbey and for the next two weeks the charity shop on George Street will be open to raise funds. Donations and support are wanted.

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