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SWI news


Burrelton and Woodside

Vice-president Margaret Linley welcomed all to the meeting. After the business, she introduced Aileen Davidson who demonstrat­ed the benefits of doing yoga from a chair. Competitio­ns: bundle of cheese straws - 1 Anne Haughs, 2 Chris Pickthall, 3 Kathleen Pirie; hedgerow arrangemen­t in a jam jar - 1 Anna Robertson, 2 Sarah Urie, 3 Margaret Gordon; flower of the month - Mabbie Constable.

Glenisla President Hilary Lawrence welcomed members to their October meeting where she introduced Stewart from Wiltshire Foods. Members enjoyed tasting some of the samples he brought along. Kathleen Davidson proposed a vote of thanks. Competitio­ns: a wedge of quiche - 1 Kathleen Davidson, 2 Hilary Lawrence; pHotograph of a wild animal - 1 Kathleen Davidson, 2 Jenny Ralston; flower of the month - June Browning.

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