Border Telegraph

Church of Scotland


Sunday, April 28: Morning Service at Old Parish & St. Paul’s at 11am; Evening Service at St John’s at 6.30pm.

Inner Wheel

2024 sees the centenary celebratio­ns of The Inner Wheel which held its first full meeting in Manchester in 1924. Instigated by Mrs Margarette Golding initially as a group for the wives of Rotarians, Inner Wheel now welcomes all women. The aim was to foster friendship and service and to this end we hold monthly meetings and social events. Talks are invited from charitable organisati­ons and interestin­g groups to encourage support, fundraisin­g and to foster fellowship among members.

We hold a fundraisin­g event to celebrate Inner Wheel Day on January 10 each year and have a birthday celebratio­n meal for the Galashiels Inner Wheel in May each year.

As well as an Internatio­nal Convention for members in Manchester in early May, clubs are celebratin­g different ways of achieving “100 for 100” fun or fundraisin­g ideas. Galashiels club did two smaller fundraisin­g efforts during our Pop-up shop in November 2023. Members made and sold over 100 bags/bars of tablet as well as 100 celebratio­n cards for birthdays/ Christmas.

We continue with upcoming plans with one of our members taking on a 100km sponsored walk down the East Coast in early June, supported by other club members joining her for part of the route. We’ve also been busy making and filling 100 toiletry bags for distributi­on to Women’s Aid, Hospital and Care Homes to support people who have a need for emergency supplies when using these services. The photos show Inner Wheel members handing in completed bags to both Women’s Aid in Hawick and ITU at BGH.

Our meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month in Café Recharge, Island St, Galashiels at 7pm and new members are always welcome to come along. For further

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