Bristol Post

Education Less than a fifth of city pupils back at school by mid-June

- Sophie GRUBB Mary Bousted

ONE in four schools in the Bristol area remained closed in mid-June, despite most being allowed to open weeks earlier.

Exclusive figures obtained by the Reach data unit estimate 27 per cent of schools in the Bristol area were still not open as of June 18.

Less than one fifth of the pupil population had returned to school, meaning the vast majority of children and teenagers were still not back in the classrooms.

Data was obtained via a Freedom of Informatio­n request from the Department for Education (DfE), covering all schools and colleges in Bristol, South Gloucester­shire, North Somerset and Bath and North East Somerset.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave primary schools the go-ahead to reopen from June 1 to reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children, while secondary schools were allowed to welcome back Year 10 and 12 pupils from June 15.

Of all four authoritie­s in our area, 336 schools had confirmed they had reopened by June 18, with 24,121 pupils in attendance in total.

However, this is just 17.5 per cent of the normal pupil population – more than 100,000 children were still being home-schooled.

Not every school provided the DfE with the informatio­n, so the data is an estimate based on those that did.

In Bristol alone, 72 per cent of schools had confirmed as being open, with 8,593 pupils known to be in attendance – just one in seven pupils compared to the normal school population.

This was an increase from June 1, however, when just 58 per cent of schools in the city were open.

North Somerset saw the highest proportion of schools open in our area, with 84 per cent allowing at least some pupils back by June 18.

Bath and North East Somerset had the lowest, with just 64 per cent.

Many teachers and school leaders have disputed the label of being ‘closed’ – most schools were still operating a skeleton service even during the strict lockdown, offering places for vulnerable pupils and children of key workers.

Although schools received general guidance from central government and local authoritie­s, regarding when and how to reopen, headteache­rs were advised to make the decisions based on their school’s individual circumstan­ces.

Some schools needed more time to prepare, for example by reconfigur­ing classrooms and implementi­ng measures such as hand sanitiser stations or one-way systems.

The school experience is now very different with the precaution­s to protect against coronaviru­s, with much smaller class sizes, strict hygiene measures and staggered timetables.

Last week, education secretary Gavin Williamson announced plans for all pupils in England to return in September.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said in response that more pupils would be back in school already, if the government had provided better leadership on this issue.

He said: “What’s important now is confidence, the confidence of teachers and of staff, and of parents, and we need to build that confidence.

“Get everybody around the table, and let’s implement a plan that will actually work, because there’s a consensus; we want all of our children back in September. That will only happen with leadership.”

The DfE estimates that, nationally, 92 per cent of schools and colleges were open as of June 18.

However, only one in every eight pupils were thought to have returned – 1.2 million in total.

Statistics included academies, local authority schools, independen­t schools, special schools, alternativ­e provision, university technical colleges, further education colleges and sixth form colleges.

There was no further breakdown for these categories – for example, to compare how many independen­t schools had reopened compared to local authority schools, or how many secondary schools compared to primary schools.

The proportion of schools open differed vastly from place to place, with just 24 per cent open in Windsor and Maidenhead, but 93 per cent open in Bexley, London.

Mary Bousted, joint general secretary of the National Education Union, said: “Schools will be working with parents and carers to ensure informatio­n about the wider reopening of schools in September is clearly conveyed.

“To ensure parents have the maximum confidence in whatever the safe return in September looks like, Government needs to keep schools and the public informed of the scientific evidence that backs a September return.

“The plans should also be very clear about what happens in the case of regional or national spikes in COVID-19 cases, which currently is lacking in Government guidelines but is an important part of schools’ planning.”

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