Bristol Post

Fundamenta­list preacher claims he was spat at as police watched

- Stephen SUMNER Local democracy reporter Pastor Dia Moodley

AFUNDAMENT­ALIST Christian who preaches in central Bristol claims that police have stood and watched as he was spat at and told to “go back home”.

Pastor Dia Moodley – who stands in Broadmead every Saturday with signs saying “abortion is murder”, “evolution is a lie”, “all lives matter” and “God created them male and female” – says he is being denied free speech and he has lost confidence in the police.

Avon and Somerset Police said it has to balance the pastor’s right to free speech and public protection when crowds become distressed or hostile towards him.

Chief constable Andy Marsh said he would be “frankly astonished” if his officers had witnessed a hate crime and not acted.

Speaking on BBC Radio Bristol, Mr Moodley, who belongs to the Spirit of Life church, said: “We have people who have spat on us, destroyed our property in front of police officers, told us to go back to our own countries, and police officers have done nothing about that.

“Women in our church have cried in front of them, said ‘please help us,’ the officers’ response is ‘if you don’t like it, go home.’

“How are you treating all communitie­s equally? We’re a Christian community and we feel we have no confidence in the police force.”

Speaking later, Mr Moodley said the police should not be allowed to take the knee in solidarity with Black Lives Matter protesters or wear the colours of the Pride flag while they are on duty because they should represent everyone in society.

He said: “I regularly get told the public don’t like what we’re preaching. This is our city too. We feel we aren’t represente­d. We call it Christopho­bia.

“We see ourselves as part of Bristol but Bristol tells us our views aren’t welcome. They say they don’t want neighbours like us.

“I’d like to see the police uphold the law and make sure every person has the right to free speech.

Dia Moodley preaching in and around Broadmead

❝ We see ourselves as part of Bristol but Bristol tells us our views aren’t welcome. They say they don’t want neighbours like us

There’s no free speech for us.”

Responding to Mr Moodley’s concerns, chief constable Andy Marsh said: “I’m sorry to hear of your negative experience­s. I would frankly be astonished if officers stood by and witnessed hate speech and hate crime against you in Broadmead.

“All of my officers use body-worn video. I’d encourage you to make a complaint if that’s what you think has happened and we’ll look into it.”

He advised Mr Moodley to provide evidence to support his claims.

A spokeswoma­n for Avon and Somerset Police said the force has to balance the pastor’s right to free speech with the general public’s right to work and shop in the city without being caused undue distress.

She said: “We have had a number of complaints from members of the public when Mr Moodley preaches on sensitive subjects such as abortion and LGBT+ rights.

“Patrolling officers have been flagged down by visibly distressed members of the public and have approached Mr Moodley to ask him to moderate his language or put away graphic imagery.

“On occasion, Mr Moodley’s preaching attracts a crowd which can become hostile towards him, and officers will ask him to pause or stop his preaching so that the crowd can calm down or disperse. This is for his own safety.

“The neighbourh­ood team has consistent­ly encouraged Mr Moodley to report any incidents of abuse, violence or criminal damage, which are clearly unacceptab­le.

“Avon and Somerset Police aim to protect and respect everyone. If Mr Moodley believes he has been unfairly treated he can make a formal complaint.”

Mr Moodley admitted displaying graphic signs, including one of an aborted foetus, but said it was not against the law. He reiterated that he did not have confidence in the police so it was a “waste of time” reporting incidents.

❝ On occasion, Mr Moodley’s preaching attracts a crowd which can become hostile towards him, and officers will ask him to pause or stop his preaching so that the crowd can calm down or disperse. This is for his own safety

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