Bristol Post

Crash site Work to slow cars will be sped up

- Conor GOGARTY & Adam POSTANS bristolpos­

THE mayor of Bristol has pledged to speed up work to stop “stupid” drivers ploughing into houses at a Henbury crash hotspot.

Marvin Rees has told city council transport officers to prioritise improving the junction of Hallen Road, Henbury Road and Kings Weston Road near Blaise Castle. He also promised a meeting would be held with residents at the scene.

The Post launched a campaign in July for speed-calming measures near the junction of Henbury Road and Hallen Road, an area which has seen at least 11 accidents in two years.

A few days later, Bristol City Council announced it was “urgently” considerin­g options to address “clear safety concerns” and vowing to discuss a solution with neighbours.

But Hallen Road resident Robert Porter, whose house has been crashed into three times, complained last month that no one had contacted him or other residents about any proposals.

Conservati­ve group leader and Henbury & Brentry ward Cllr Mark

Weston sought and received assurances from Mr Rees at a meeting last week that transport officers would meet with residents and that a scheme was being “accelerate­d”.

Our petition for traffic-calming in the area – which residents say is treated like a “Formula One racetrack” – has so far gained 153 signatures.

Cllr Weston said in a written question: “Earlier in the summer, a speeding car travelling along Kings Weston Road failed to make the left-hand turn into Hallen Road and ploughed into the house opposite.

“This incident caused extensive damage in what was a life-threatenin­g act of driving stupidity.

“This is not the first time this has happened, and it is unfair that local residents’ properties are being used as community crash barriers in the absence of action by the council.

“Following this latest accident a council spokesman assured the media that the council was developing a plan to improve safety in

Robert Porter’s home in Hallen Road, which was struck by a car in July the area. We are now two months on from the promise of these ‘urgent interventi­ons.’

“As a minimum, we should be looking at installing boulders to stop cars hitting properties, speed bumps through the Blaise village and the possible applicatio­n of a non-slip surface.”

He asked what road safety measures the authority was planning and when they would be installed.

In a written reply, Mr Rees said: “We took immediate actions including installing additional ‘Slow’ road marking and adding bar markings to the existing ‘Slow’ marking to make it more visible, refreshing all existing road markings, installed a chevron bend sign to make approachin­g drivers more aware of the bend and cutting back any vegetation that is obscuring existing road signs and street lights.

“We are also planning to install a vehicle-activated sign on the approach to the junction, undertakin­g a more detailed review of the road surface, reviewing existing parking restrictio­ns, the feasibilit­y of vehicle-restraint measures, a potential crossing on Kings Weston Road near Blaise and wider safety measures in the general area.

“The crossing and associated controls and marking can be very effective at reducing speed.

I have asked officers to accelerate these actions. Lining improvemen­ts will be undertaken in September/October.

“More detailed feasibilit­y and assessment of options are being carried out and I have asked transport officers to accelerate this work.”

The mayor agreed to Cllr Weston’s request for a meeting with residents to have a discussion about the progress of improvemen­ts.

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