Bristol Post

Cryptic crossword


Stuck on today’s puzzle? Call 0905 789 4220 to hear individual clues or the full solution.

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3. Impose a ban on profession­al writer (9)

8 & 26 Ac. I peered askance round the top of the piccolo to find the resonator (4,4)

9. One who goes to the law – because of obvious disagreeme­nt? (9)

10. It’s fortified for a man on the board (6)

11. Unusual care needed about the top of the deodar (5)

14. Material required to cover the inside of the garment before noon (5)

15. Direct one who has the star part (4)

16. Buds that are sensitive to the consumer (5)

18. Show an inclinatio­n to be a nurse (4)

20. Trainee driver in hazardous ride is not so active (5)

21. Stupid types who go around in gaggles (5)

24. Untidy heaps in canteens (6)

25. Chop up saucy food and behave grotesquel­y (3,1,5)

26. See 8 Across

27. Needs a pal for a walk by the sea (9)


1. Pieces of jewellery allowed in pairs (9)

2. Being logical, as one could be in a telephone call (9)

4. Control a learner in the French way (4)

5. Group of pieces sounding melodious (5)

6. Ceremonial trial arranged about the middle of January (6)

7. The bare appearance of an enthusiast (4)

9. Police trap set in position (5)

11. A sect affected by class distinctio­n (5)

12. It is clear it could be true to life (9)

13. Speeches written on envelopes (9)

17. Sounds like a Cretan mount from which one can get down (5)

19. What those who study the minutiae go into (6)

22. This could well ruin the satin (5)

23. Tips used by potters (4)

24. The first person with short commercial for alcoholic drink (4)

 ??  ??

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