Bristol Post

Stalker told ex-partner he would put her in boot of car and kill her

- Geoff BENNETT Court reporter

ASPURNED boyfriend who stalked his former girlfriend has been jailed. After being dumped Jamie Ogbourne kicked his former partner and subjected her to a week of threatenin­g calls and texts.

Bristol Crown Court heard he told her that her home as well as the homes of her mother and sister were “all going to go up in flames”.

Ogbourne, 41, of Grace Court in Dial Lane, Downend, pleaded guilty to stalking, assault and criminal damage.

Judge Mark Horton jailed him for 10 months.

He said Ogbourne’s “controllin­g and bullying” behaviour had been intended to frighten her into doing what he wanted.

The judge imposed a five-year restrainin­g order banning Ogbourne from contact with the complainan­t.

Naomi Aylwin, prosecutin­g, said after a relationsh­ip split Ogbourne visited his former partner and kicked her in the rear.

Miss Aylwin said: “It was very painful.

“She tried to get away and fell over and screamed.

“She was terrified as he was in such a rage.”

The court heard as he left Ogbourne threatened he was going to make the woman suffer.

Over the course of a week he then subjected her to threatenin­g texts and phone calls, Miss Aylwin said – at one point telling her he would put her in the boot of a car and kill her.

He also shouted derogatory comments to her from the street and went to her mother’s house, where he swung a baseball bat and was heard to say “Your whole family is done for,” the court was told.

Ogbourne was also seen smashing a window at the complainan­t’s home.

He told police he was being laughed at by the complainan­t and her new partner.

He initially denied making threatenin­g phone calls or causing damage and said the victim was making it up.

Simran Kamal, defending, said: “He has no intention of seeing the victim again.

“He is very sorry that we are where we are.

“He accepts very poor decisions here and he is remorseful.

“He wants a fresh start for everybody.”

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