Bristol Post

NHS Weekend was one of worst - and more to come

- Stephen SUMNER Local democracy reporter

PATIENTS were left waiting for hours in queuing ambulances and packed emergency department­s as the NHS around Bristol faced one of its most challengin­g weekends ever.

Clinical commission­ing group boss Julia Ross painted a “bleak” picture and warned of “unpalatabl­e” decisions as health and care services brace for worse to come over the winter.

She said never before had NHS leaders been unable to fill shifts, even with significan­t cash incentives, amid unpreceden­ted workforce issues.

Those staff shortages are across the board, resulting in patients being discharged without immediate support available and domiciliar­y care cases being handed back to local authoritie­s.

Ms Ross told the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucester­shire CCG’s governing body on November 2: “The weekend was perhaps one of the most challengin­g we’ve ever experience­d, with a massive number of challenges across the whole system.

“There was a huge call stack in the ambulance service, up to 100 patients and some waiting up to 48 hours. There were huge challenges in the ambulance service with ambulances queuing in hospitals, up to 30 queuing for up to nine hours.

“High numbers of patients in emergency department­s were waiting over 12 hours, despite all our best efforts.

“Much of this is driven by unpreceden­ted workforce issues. I don’t think we’ve ever been in a position where we couldn’t fill shifts, even with the most expensive agency staff.

“We’re finding it really hard to get agency staff at any level, even when we’ve added significan­t incentive payments.”

Workforce issues in the care sector are set to worsen next week after the government said carers must be double-jabbed by November 11 to continue working. Hundreds of carers across the West of England will be affected.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid said this week the 1.45 million frontline NHS staff in England must be vaccinated by April.

Ms Ross added: “What I’ve just talked about is unpalatabl­e already. To ensure the most vulnerable, needy and complex people do get care, I suspect we’re going to have to make some unpalatabl­e decisions in the months following.

“We’re only coming out of October. Things tend to get worse as we go through winter and peak in January or February – we’re braced for more to come.”

Ms Ross said staff are “working their socks off” but have faced a massive increase in aggression and violence that did not help with sickness and vacancy levels.

She said she understood why people felt stressed and anxious, adding: “This isn’t the public’s fault. It’s an unpreceden­ted coming together of various factors, not least Covid pressures.”

Hospitals have been ordered to continue with elective surgery through the winter to clear a huge backlog in cases. As of August 3,138 patients across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucester­shire had been waiting more than 52 weeks for planned treatment. Some 111 people had been waiting more than two years.

A CCG spokespers­on said: “Patient safety remains our top priority. We have robust processes in place to manage intense pressure, but it is likely that we are going to have to take some difficult decisions in the coming weeks – including cancelling more elective and outpatient procedures.

“The public can help us through this sustained pressure by being ready to collect your family or loved ones from hospital as soon as they are medically well enough to leave.

“You can use NHS 111, visit your local pharmacy or contact your GP in all other instances. Please only dial 999 or visit A&E if it’s a genuine, life-threatenin­g emergency.

“Please also protect yourselves against Covid-19 and the flu by getting your vaccines.

“Our staff are working really hard to provide health and care services in challengin­g circumstan­ces, please treat them with kindness.”

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