Bristol Post

We took a bit of a punt putting the podcast out there

James Corden’s hilarious sisters tell MARION MCMULLEN how a lockdown project turned into a huge success


Your podcast Finding The Funny has become a huge success. How did it all begin?

Ruth: The podcast began back in lockdown one. Ange and I were pretty much going insane. Both of us love being out and about and having a little prosecco and, like most people, found lockdown difficult.

We were doing FaceTime with each other three or four times a day. It was a pretty bizarre time, so we decided to do a podcast. The podcast is really about whatever makes you laugh. Everyone was in such a difficult place and I said to Ange ‘Why don’t we do a podcast?’ Ange: So we just did it... talking about all the things we find hilarious. (Laughs). I think the first episode we had about 10 people and then it went up to 35 and we were honestly like ‘35 people have listened to that!’ It just went from that really.

We put the podcast out every week and more and more people started listening. It’s just grown and grown and has now had nearly a quarter of a million downloads and is produced by Warner Brothers. I think people are a little p **** d with us when we take a break now. Ruth: I think we did take a bit of a punt putting this out there, but you’ve got to grab the opportunit­ies when they come along with both hands.

Ange: I wouldn’t have done anything like this a few years ago, but now, after all that has happened, I think ‘let’s just go where life takes you.’

You’ve had guests like Gavin & Stacey’s Ruth Jones, comedian Romesh Ranganatha­n and Fearne Cotton. Who would else be on your wish list?

Ange: (Laughs) I’ve got a big obsession with Stephen Mulhern. I find him so funny. He cracks me up. I love the stuff he does on TV on In For A Penny. I think I might spend the whole time laughing if he came on. He would be top of my wish list.

Ruth: For me it would be Dawn French or Jennifer Saunders. I had a video (of them) I bought for £1.50 from a car boot sale.

It was the best money I’ve ever spent. I just rewound and rewound it. I loved what they created and I still love their energy and love the dryness of their humour.

Getting people like Romesh on the podcast as well has been fantastic.

Ange: We still find it amazing when people say yes to us. Ruth Jones worked with our brother James, of course, on Gavin & Stacey and she was simply great. We’re just aiming to bring a bit of love and laughter and fun.

You’re a close family. Did that make lockdown hard?

Ange: Oh, yes. Not being able to go and see mum and dad, my sister and James in the USA. We regularly travel to see each other and get together at Christmas, but that all changed last year with lockdown. Last Christmas, for so many people, was really, really tough. It’s the time a lot of people are together for a day or two and that was not able to happen. I didn’t get to see James, Ruth or my parents.

I definitely found it a really difficult, but I was also very fortunate to be able to chat with them all. I’m looking forward to us all having a Christmas together again.

Ruth you are a civil servant and Ange you are a PA, but have you become famous after appearing on your brother’s American TV series The Late Late Show?

Ruth: (Laughs) Mum and dad are the stars of the TV.

Ange: (Laughs) Yeah, they never stop going on about it.

Ruth: I think I can say the Cordens are completely grounded in every way. Our parents are very proud of all of us and are very supportive. They always tell us to go for it. We are really fortunate... and our dad is really funny. We’re a family that takes the mick out of each other.

Ange: We’re very honest with each other and give it to each other straight.

When James brought his show to London he had us covering a NFL match and meeting the guys in the locker room post-match. (Laughs) We were just looking at the fit men to be honest going ‘he’s got great buns’.

Ruth: (Laughs) Well, some of them were undressing and some were stark naked.

Ange: It was a hard job, but someone had to do it.

Finding The Funny is available on all major podcast platforms.

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 ?? ?? SISTER ACT: Ruth and Ange Corden
SISTER ACT: Ruth and Ange Corden
 ?? ?? FAMILY: James Corden
FAMILY: James Corden

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