Bristol Post

Workplace prank


FURTHER to Latimer’s mention of Cowlin›s builders (BT, March 1), it brought back some memories my late father Fred used to enjoy sharing.

He started work with Cowlins in his first job after leaving school in the early 1930s, and was employed to ride a carrier bike with a basket on the front picking up and dropping off various items from their premises in Stratton Street.

He always used to say about getting his bike wheel stuck in the tram track on Redcliff Hill.

His favourite story of working there was that he needed to get his hair cut and made the mistake of telling a couple of the older workers. At the time Cowlins had a horse and cart so he was told the cart driver used to trim the horse and used to do the men›s hair as well, no charge.

Of course he believed them and asked the cart driver if he would do it.

All the men said what a good cut it was until my Dad got home and my Grandfathe­r asked him what had happened to his hair. The cart driver had cut it in a big ‘V’ shape at the back, suffice to say he had to pay for an even shorter haircut to put it right and he was the butt of the joke for a few weeks. He found it funny in later years.

I hope this little tale may have been of interest.

Jon Harris Bristol

Editor’s reply: It certainly is of interest, Mr Harris! Anyone else got any funny/embarrassi­ng tales of being pranked by the older hands at work? Being told to fetch a tin of tartan paint or pigeon’s milk? The old one about being sent to ask for a “long weight” (wait) is probably worn out now, mind.

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