Burton Mail

Government relying on people to observe rules

- Heather Wheeler MP for South Derbyshire

IKNOW from my emails and postbag that there are differing views on how we should be proceeding to deal with the virus, and indeed on how the Government have handled the crisis. In modern times, no British Government has ever had to deal with something like this. In fact, pandemics have been pretty much restricted to the Far East and the Southern Hemisphere.

From a standing start it was necessary to put measures in place to protect lives and stop the NHS going into meltdown if the infected numbers and hospital admissions reached the levels expected and this was achieved thanks to the national lockdown.

But the lockdown could not go on forever and coming out of it was always going to be problemati­c.

We now find ourselves in the situation where the number of coronaviru­s cases are rising and, seven months on the Government are now able to identify where and how the infection is spreading.

This has resulted in local lockdowns in towns, cities, individual businesses and even particular streets for differing periods of time. No one, particular­ly the Prime Minister, wants to impose these restrictio­ns but they are deemed necessary if we are to avoid a dangerous second spike.

We should remember that at its simplest this virus can only spread person to person and so, by observing the rules and advice we can avoid catching it. Keep washing our hands, cover our mouth and nose with a mask and keep our distance from other people, ideally two metres.

Test and Trace has had its problems, but its aim is to alert those of us who have been in close proximity to someone who is found to have the virus so we can get tested too. All leisure venues take contact details for everyone who goes in and this is the informatio­n test and trace relies on. I have been disturbed to hear that some people deliberate­ly give false informatio­n and, if we are to protect each other that needs to stop.

Last week the NHS Covid-19 app

Half a million venues have printed off QR code posters which customers can scan with the Test and Trace app when they enter the premises. I urge every business to join this effort and download them now.

was launched to boost the effectiven­ess of Test and Trace and more than 10 million people have downloaded it. Half a million venues have printed off QR code posters which customers can scan with the app when they enter the premises . I urge every business to join this effort and download them now.

At the beginning of the pandemic, along with every other country in the world, we were trying to source adequate supplies of suitable PPE. It was a problem, but one the Government are determined will never happen again.

Prior to the pandemic only 1 per cent of our PPE was manufactur­ed here in the UK. from December that will rise to 70 per cent. Our great businesses mean the Government can ensure an uninterrup­ted supply chain which is robust and stable.

The advice remains the same, wash your hands thoroughly, wear a face mask and keep your distance to protect yourself and others.

■The views and opinions of guest columnists do not necessaril­y represent those of either the Burton Mail or its staff

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