Burton Mail


The third series of Marcella is finally here. Anna Friel, plus new cast member Amanda Burton, tell GEORGIA HUMPHREYS what’s to come – and there is more than just a change of hair colour for the eponymous character


IT’S not often we see the central character of a TV drama get a completely fresh start. But that’s exactly what happens in the long-awaited third series of ITV thriller Marcella. After the explosive end of series two, which saw the eponymous character – played by Anna Friel – at rock bottom, writer Hans Rosenfeldt (known for Scandi-noir drama, The Bridge) wasn’t sure where to go next with the storyline.

The unflinchin­g and unrelentin­g detective had discovered she was to blame for the death of her daughter and wanted to erase herself.

So, the eight new episodes see her with a new persona – as an undercover detective called Keira Devlin who has been given the mission of infiltrati­ng a crime family in Belfast.

As the series progresses, the lines between Marcella and Keira blur; how much of the past has really been left behind?

“We watch her mental health deteriorat­e more, to a certain degree, because the more and more she tries to suppress it, the more and more her subconscio­us gets louder and Marcella is basically saying, ‘I’m still here’,” suggests Rochdale-born Anna, 44, whose first profession­al acting job came aged 13, in Channel 4’s GBH.

“She fights with herself, preferring her undercover life to her real-life which, I didn’t realise, can actually be a danger with undercover police cops.”

There isn’t a ‘whodunnit’ this series; “it’s more about her getting in the underbody of this family who’s not particular­ly good”, teases Anna.

That family in question is the Maguires. And with their eyes across all their operations is matriarch Katherine, played by Northern Irish star Amanda Burton.

“She’s proud of the success the family has had since her husband died,” 64-year-old Amanda notes of her character.

“Whilst in the early 90s her husband may have run a wholly criminal enterprise with paramilita­ry links, Katherine was responsibl­e for steering it towards a legitimate operation, leaning on the contacts she and her husband developed in the underworld to power the expansion whilst maintainin­g a legitimate veneer.”

What is the relationsh­ip between Katherine and Keira, aka Marcella?

“Keira is brought into the Maguire family by someone who works for them and Katherine is very suspicious of her when they first meet,” explains Amanda, known for her roles in Silent Witness, Peak Practice, and Brookside (which Anna also memorably starred in).

“As time goes on, Keira seems to be around the family a lot more, but she doesn’t really accept her as anything other than an intruder at the beginning; she’s incredibly vigilant and protective of her family.”

Amanda, who was born in Londonderr­y, says it had been about 17 years since she last filmed in Belfast. She found it “fascinatin­g” to go back and to see the immense change in the city.

“This time we were filming in places where it just wouldn’t have been possible to film back then.

“It was quite extraordin­ary and evoked a lot of emotional memories for me being there.”

Asked how she found it shooting in Northern Ireland,

Anna – whose profile soared after starring in American mysterycom­edy drama series Pushing Daisies – says that it was “the best”.

“The best crew – so hardworkin­g,” she elaborates. “And I was with all my family; it’s where I spent most of my childhood, Belfast and Donegal. So, family who had never been able to visit me on set before could do, on a regular basis.”

The actress – who has a daughter, Gracie, with her former partner, Harry Potter star David Thewlis – continues: “Belfast is a great city. And has some of the best educationa­l systems I’ve ever seen in the world. Gracie moved school, to the Strathearn, which is an all-girls school, and she loved it so much that when she came back to England, she wanted to change her school here because she wanted more of a sense of a community.”

The only downside of the location for series three was the weather; Anna admits they got “rained out a lot”.

“We’d been shooting inside in this mansion, where a lot of the scenes take place, and we were desperatel­y trying to get outside on this one (day).

“It had been so sunny and beautiful and the one day we went out, it lashed it down. I think it’s on my Instagram somewhere because it wasn’t like a normal regular rain downpour, it was like something you see in the rainforest.”

Another challengin­g part of filming was when Anna got an eye infection.

“We couldn’t shoot for one day because of that – I had to go to the hospital,” she confides. “That was entertaini­ng! It wasn’t fantastic. But we coped, we managed. I think they shot the side of my face or something. There are ways to get around everything.”

When it comes to answering what her favourite part of playing Keria was, as opposed to Marcella, Anna has no hesitation.

“Obviously being blonde! That just gave it a whole different feel and swagger to her costumes from series one and two, which had to change, because Marcella dresses for the family, not for herself.

“I wouldn’t say Marcella is an incredibly sexualised person; she doesn’t sexualise herself or things. But Keira does.”

Would she be up for doing a fourth series?

“I love Marcella; I’m very attached to her,” muses Anna, considerin­g her answer carefully. “I think it would take lots of discussion­s to say, ‘Right, what can we do with her now?’

“It’s better to have three really strong series than a fourth weaker one, but if someone came up with a really good idea as to where it could go...” She pauses. “I can see her in South America! I think you could take her anywhere.”

When we chat over Zoom, it’s the November lockdown, and the discussion turns to whether the arts can continue to thrive with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Anna is passionate about the topic, insisting that “the art needs to be supported.

“We need art – if any time has ever shown us that, it’s now. I’ve relied on music so much. I’ve watched more television than I think I have in years!

“And it’s a career to be proud of, if you work in the arts. It’s not a hobby, it’s someone’s bread and butter, and I find it quite difficult to hear about ‘retraining’.

“I think there’s going to be a need for artists more than ever. Imagine the day we can all go back to watching live music and concerts and – please God – be able to go back to the theatre.”

Obviously being blonde! That just gave it a whole different feel and swagger to her costumes from series one and two

The first two episodes of Marcella series three will air on ITV on Tuesday at 9pm. The entire series will be dropped on the ITV Hub and Britbox as the second episode concludes.

Anna Friel on her favourite part of playing Marcella in the new series

 ??  ?? Gore blimey: Marcella is back with a bang
Anna Friel as Marcella in the new series, and on the red carpet, left
Gore blimey: Marcella is back with a bang Anna Friel as Marcella in the new series, and on the red carpet, left
 ??  ?? We are family: Amanda Burton as Katherine, Aaron Mccusker as Finn and Michael Colgan as Rory
We are family: Amanda Burton as Katherine, Aaron Mccusker as Finn and Michael Colgan as Rory

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