Burton Mail

The 30 ways you could help to reduce your costs and save energy


Let’s start simple, when you’re brushing your teeth in the morning and at night, don’t leave the water running

Only have a bath once in a while. Showering uses two times less water than a long, hot bath. Don’t rinse the dishes

Cut your shower short!

Get your food shopping delivered Switch to energy-saver bulbs Switch off standby!

Make your printing double-sided Go paperless!

Invest in an Electric Vehicle Air dry your clothes

Go veggie (one day a week). It takes about 15,000 litres of water to produce 1kg of beef! Going meatfree once a week (or more!) is great for your health and the environmen­t too

Up your recycling game Keep your hands off the thermostat. By constantly changing the temperatur­e on your thermostat, you’ll use far more energy than necessary, where you can leave the temperatur­e alone for as long as you can.

Buy local - supporting your local community by purchasing your fruit, vegetables and other items locally.

Switch to organic soap Wash your clothes at 30 degrees Turn off the lights - Don’t sit in the dark, but if you’re leaving a room for more than 10 minutes, flick the light off when you go. It’ll save money, prolong the bulb life, and keep your energy bill down

Mend and make do

Bring your own bag

Ditch the baby and makeup wipes

Get a reusable water bottle Grab a travel mug

Give away, don’t throw away Invest in an EV charger Think about pre-owned Plant a tree (or some garden plants)

Swap up your shopping habits Think about the way you travel Switch to solar panels.

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