Burton Mail

Less talk and more action on train jobs


UNION leaders have made urgent calls for help to secure thousands of jobs at the UK’S biggest rail assembly site after production lines stopped because of a lack of orders.

Alstom said after 10 months of discussion­s with the Government over work for its Derby site, it had run out of time.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “There is a huge amount of work that Alstom could and should be bidding for, but the Government are simply not tendering for it and do not seem to care.

“Alstom and the Government now need to stop endlessly procrastin­ating and just get on and sign the contracts to ensure the security of thousands of highly skilled workers.

“If their inaction does lead to job cuts, the responsibl­e people will be held to account personally.”

Unite regional secretary Paresh Patel added: “Less talk and more action from both Alstom and the Government is needed to secure Alstom Rail in Derby.

“They both need to get their heads together to secure Derby rail and the thousands of jobs dependent upon this employer.”

A spokespers­on for Alstom said: “We will now consult with our staff, with trades unions and with our UK supply chain to provide as much certainty as we can.”

Shadow transport secretary Louise Haigh, said: “The Transport Secretary has had months to find a solution to prevent these job losses.”

Nick Crossfield, managing director of Alstom, told the BBC earlier this month the company could no longer guarantee a presence in Derby because production was nearing its end and there is an 18-month gap until the next order.

The site employs around 3,000 people directly, with thousands more at risk in supply chains.

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