Caernarfon Herald

Thought for the week

- Roger Boon


Snowflakes gently falling Swirling through the silent landscape, As almost bare trees shrug off the last vestiges of Autumn. Woodland creatures delve into the forest deep,

Burrowing for safety from the hard rack of Winter

Whilst we in imitation withdraw into our homes,

Warmed by thoughts of Christmas and the coming of a vulnerable baby into our broken world.

The peace imposed by the deadening snow outside

Finds life within as hearts turn towards the Prince of Peace.

The darkening sky is broken by the shimmering lights of candles Reflected in the stain glassed panes of church windows.

And The Light of the World Finds its rest on the expectant faces of little children.

They too burrow into warm filled pillows Waiting for the dawn

And the joy that the Christmas morn will bring

Outside Carollers sing

“O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him Christ the King” And across the town the bells they ring Peace on earth and good will to men.

In my heart I hear them, but if only it were so

Across our world division grows Hate is strong and mocks my words This gospel of peace that no-one hears. In 1914 it rippled across a battlefiel­d in war torn France

But the powers that rule our world destroyed that chance

The lust for power will always carry clout There is no peace on earth I shout. But the bells are ringing. Does anyone hear them?

In this town so silently sleeping. God is not dead nor does he sleep I cry As a star continues to shimmer in that eastern sky

And wise men still follow Jesus.

It is another silent night

Please God Come again

“I do, my child, but find little room in the hearts of men

I need that room for the world to turn And the kingdom of heaven to touch this earth

Only this time it needs you with my Spirit to give it birth.”

We must not retreat in the face of this winter

We must not be silent in the face of the world’s plight

But as lamps on a hill be its light

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