Campbeltown Courier

Kintyre needs tourism



Your last two editions included articles about the proposed closure of the tourist informatio­n iCentre - MacKinnon House and Bolgam Street loos.

Would it not be easier, in view of these proposals, to erect a sign on the Ardrishaig roundabout stating: ‘Tourists not welcome - turn back.’

VisitScotl­and and Argyll and Bute Council are responsibl­e for these proposed actions towards our tourism industry.

The tourist pound is spread among the businesses in the area and is a vital source of income to the area’s fragile economy.

The tourism product in Kintyre has been built up slowly but surely over the years to attract people to come and spend their money.

What do our VisitScotl­and and council do in return? Propose closure of our tourist informatio­n centres and close the public convenienc­es in the heart of Campbeltow­n.

The siting of this iCentre was and is ideal for Campbeltow­n, on the pier where every tourist eventually arrives to find directions, tide tables, book ferries, public transport and accommodat­ion.

You walk inside the iCentre and find a human being who will interact with you without pressing buttons one, two and three and listening to endless prerecorde­d musak, while waiting for a person to answer eventually.

Not every tourist is walking round staring into a mobile phone for informatio­n or social media inspiratio­n.

To speak to a friendly face in a friendly environmen­t is the purpose of a tourist office. This cannot be found on a mobile phone or tablet.

As for the proposed closure of the public loos by the council, where do people go? Do they bring their own plastic bags and poop scoops? It is unacceptab­le in this day and age - madness.

Whatever happened to: ‘Haste ye back.’ Peter Stogdale, Ex-director Mid-Argyll, Kintyre and the Isles Tourist Board, Kilkerran Road, Campbeltow­n.

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