Campbeltown Courier

Incredibly close scoring at Dunaverty


THE TOP three scoring teams were separated by only two strokes in this year’s Dunaverty Am-Am, perhaps a reflection of the good weather.

The competitio­n was well attended, with 35 teams, comprising 139 men and 18 ladies, on the greens.

Calum and Willie MacMillan, Revie Thomson and Gavin McLachlan set the target with an excellent 49, only to be caught by Graham McLennan, Douglas Greig, Alastair McLaren and Lyndsay McGeachy who pipped them with a 48.

However, this was not good enough, as Stuart and Fraser MacBrayne, in company with Danny Galbraith and Alan McLean, excelled themselves with a superb score of 47 to take the top prize.

At the presentati­on, captain John McDowall thanked the main sponsors, Kintyre Hire and McFadyens Contractor­s, for their continuing support and several others who sponsored individual holes.

He paid tribute to the greenkeepe­rs, David Scullion and Robert Irvine, who were out at the crack of dawn to ensure the course was in great condition, and thanked committee members for their work in preparing for the competitio­n. Team results: 1 Stuart MacBrayne, Fraser MacBrayne, Danny Galbraith, Alan McLean 47, 2 Graham McLennan, Alastair McLaren, Douglas Greig, Lyndsay McGeachy 48, 3 Calum MacMillan, Willie MacMillan, Gavin McLachlan, Revie Thomson 49, 4 Steve Bleasby, Rae Bleasby, Eddie White, Calum McLean 50, 5 J O’May, D White, S Colligan, S Crawford 51, 6 K Alibone, C McGeachy, D Mitchell, F Ross 52. Spot prizes: First hole, nearest the pin in two: Ian McGougan; hole seven, nearest the pin: Stuart MacBrayne; hole 13, lowest combined score: Ross Robertson, Lorne Robertson, Jimmy McKinven and Stuart Gillespie 10; hole 16, nearest the pin: Eric Dunlea; hole 17, gents’ longest drive: Jimmy McKinven; ladies’ longest drive: Lyndsay McGeachy.

 ??  ?? Captain John McDowall presents Stuart and Fraser MacBrayne with the AMAM shield. Missing from the photo are Danny Galbraith and Alan McLean.
Captain John McDowall presents Stuart and Fraser MacBrayne with the AMAM shield. Missing from the photo are Danny Galbraith and Alan McLean.

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