Campbeltown Courier

Thought for the Week

- With Marilyn Shedden

It was as flat as the proverbial pancake. Not a flicker of life, not a spark. Maggie's car battery was drained of life.

We had jump leads, but at a length of two metres and with the position of Maggie’s car, we couldn’t get a car near enough to jump start it. We were at a loss to know what to do. So we phoned a friend. We explained our problem to our neighbour Joe and he gave the problem some thought.

Soon he came round with a long piece of electrical cable and a knife.

‘I’m not sure if this will work,’ said Joe, ‘I’ve never tried it before.’

Joe connected the jump leads to Maggie’s car battery, then with two lengths of wire, he connected the other ends of the leads to the respective battery terminals on his car.

Joe switched on his engine and let it run for a few minutes.

‘Try it now,’ said Joe.

Holding our breath, we waited as Maggie turned the key.

To our great jubilation, the engine spluttered into life. All it needed was a power source.

Maybe some of us feel at this time we need to be plugged into a power source to recharge our batteries. For some of us that power source may be God and through Jesus Christ we can find strength again when we are filled with God’s renewing spirit. For some, the power source may be through Allah or Buddha, the Brahman or the Gurus, or through Jehovah, the faithful God of the Jewish people.

For some, the source of power comes through meditation or a connection with the living natural world.

Whichever it is, I wish you peace in the power and strength in your spirit.

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