Carmarthen Journal

Carys Edwards


Burry Port Carol Skelton

4 Greenhill, Y Graig, Burry Port. 01554 834371 carolmskel­ Chapel Jerusalem Bydd ddim gwasanaeth­u yn y chapel yn mis Ioanawr na Chefror Dilch.

07465 891557 carysedwar­

St Mary’s Church There is vacancy for the post of secretary on the church committee. Please contact the Vicar or Gareth Harries (church warden) if you think you would like to take this role on. There are usually four committee meetings in the year, plus the annual vestry meeting. Kath Nicholas has stepped down from this role after serving as secretary for the past 29 years. A debt of gratitude is owed to her for the sterling work she has done whilst in this position. Ty Golau update Due to the coronaviru­s, Ty Golau sessions have naturally been put on hold. Manager Janet Lewis is at present unsure when sessions resume but will update and advise when it will be safe to do so.

We are a group of volunteers that are here to offer support and help during this coronaviru­s health crisis for the people of Kidwelly and Mynydd-yGarreg. At present we can offer support through the internet or if you prefer on the telephone to alleviate loneliness and worry should you need to self-isolate. Also at present, we can offer a door drop-off service for provisions should you run out. Please contact: 07789 969893, 07789 510222 or 07552 204424 or email kidwellymy­nydd community@outlook. com

Councillor surgery County councillor Jeanette Gilasbey is still available to any members of the community wishing to discuss any concerns or issues that need addressing. Please contact either via email on jgilasbey carmarthen­ uk or telephone 01554 892729.

Age Cymru Dyfed has dedicated digital champions on hand to support people aged 50-plus to make the most of technology. Through free sessions delivered safely over the telephone, we can guide you through the tasks that you want to achieve. Simply give Age Cymru Dyfed a ring on 01554 784080 or email p.mcilroy@agecymrudy­

Wishing all a very happy and healthy new year. Blwyddyn newydd hapus ac iach i bawb

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