Carmarthen Journal

Concerns about proposed solar farm


CARMARTHEN­SHIRE Council recently discussed a proposed 162acre solar farm in Llanedi. Issues of concern were: food production, farming, wildlife and decommissi­oning.

Adjacent to this proposed solar farm is an ancient standing stone c3,000 BCE (Cadw) standing in a Site of Special Scientific Interest, a traditiona­l hay meadow, one of only 3% of hay meadows left in the whole of the UK. This standing stone meadow is home to more than 40 different flower species, including bluebells, betony, orchids, many grasses, royal fern and the rare marsh fritillary and marbled white butterflie­s. Constructi­on dust, pollution and decommissi­oning pollution from this proposed project are real concerns.

This field is a rare treasure handed down to us all and will be kept for everyone to enjoy but its diversity depends on sensitive care in the local environmen­t.

This solar farm is an unsuitable project and poses serious problems for wildlife, food and farming, now and for future generation­s. The land is currently used for food production.

This will be the third solar farm all next to each other, one existing, one approved and this one which would make a block of approximat­ely 287 acres – too much for wildlife to adapt to easily.

It is worth noting that there are currently five solar farms approved, but not built, in five villages, four existing and working in four villages and all within a 5km radius. There are more planned.

While we support renewables, we think that we are putting too many eggs in one basket. Where will these thousands and possibly millions of panels be disposed of when they are obsolete or old? What about solar on buildings and roofs? Surely we need to start the conversati­on of saving energy. With an increasing population and demand for more goods and electric cars, do we want to be constantly looking for land which has not been covered with panels already? Where will we grow our food?

What kind of legacy are we leaving to our children and grandchild­ren? BR & PA Gill,

Llanedi, Carmarthen­shire

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