Chat It's Fate

Miraculous conception

An angel wouldn’t let me give up on hope Kellie Evans, 37, from Stockport, Cheshire


and a man with a long beard, full-length coat and hat walked in. He had a cane with a ball on top and looked just like a wizard! How bizarre, I thought, wondering if anyone else was seeing what I was. But nobody seemed to notice the strange man. As he glided through the pub, I couldn’t take my eyes off him. And the crowd seemed to part as he walked through. His energy and aura were so strong. I felt drawn to him. ‘Did you see that man?’ I asked Gareth when he returned with our drinks. He shook his head. Then moments later, the man reappeared and headed straight towards me. Stopping in front of me, he tapped me three times on my shoulder. ‘Everything will be OK,’ he told me, looking deep into my eyes. My whole body shivered as I felt his strong energy. Then he left the pub. running after the man. But he’d disappeare­d.

Back at home, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

‘Perhaps he was an Earth angel,’ I told Gareth.

I believe we all have a guardian angel. Maybe he was mine and he’d been sent to

The man’s aura was so strong

give me guidance and hope at this dark time.

His kind words meant so much to me. And I instantly felt

more positive about our IVF.


In 2011, Gareth and I went to Manchester’s St Mary’s Hospital for treatment. An embryo was put in my womb. Weeks on, a test revealed I was pregnant. ‘I can’t believe

it!’ I beamed. Gareth and I were so excited and on such a high.

But at eight weeks, I had a miscarriag­e.

I felt like my heart had been ripped from my chest.

Then I remembered the visit from my guardian angel.

He’d said everything would be OK. I had to have faith.

So six months on, Gareth and I had another cycle of IVF at CARE Fertility Clinic.

Sadly it didn’t work, but we refused to give up. We still had two embryos left, so we decided to try one final time.

In 2014, both embryos were transferre­d to my womb.

‘This is it,’ I said to Gareth, trying to be hopeful.

Within a week, I started having morning sickness.

‘You’re pregnant,’ a doctor confirmed after a test.

We were thrilled, but didn’t want to get our hopes up. Then, at an early four-week scan… ‘It’s twins,’ a nurse said. Gareth and I cried with happiness. As my bump grew, so did our excitement. After eight years of trying, we couldn’t believe it was happening.


Then on 5 December 2014, our twins, a girl and boy, were born by Caesarean. ‘They’re gorgeous,’ I cried. I had to keep pinching myself to believe they were real.

My guardian angel had been right. Everything was OK. My babies were a special gift. I wanted to name them with my angel in mind. So I chose the names Gabriel and Grace. Now they’re nearly 2, there’s something special about them. One night I saw a blue light coming from their cot. And recently, Gareth took a photo of them and they had a blue and pink light around them. It’s proof of how powerful they are. Since then, I’ve set up a business selling angel gifts. I feel privileged to have met my guardian angel. It’s comforting to know I’m being watched over and guided. And thanks to him, I’ve been given the most precious gift of all – two little angels of my very own.

My babies were aspecial gift It’s comforting to know I’m being guided

Boost your immunity with zinc in seeds like pumpkin and sunflower and Vitamin A in cheese, eggs and yoghurt. Vitamin C helps wound healing, so tuck into oranges, strawberri­es, red and green peppers and broccoli. Sit by a window so you get plenty of sunlight. Research shows that it helps reduce pain medication and speeds healing – about 20 minutes daily. Take the homeopathi­c remedy Arnica 30c, which is effective at reducing bruising.

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