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For a little girl playing with dollies, I knew there was one thing I was destined to be. A mum. And, as I grew up, that never changed.

Having children was something I wanted more than anything else in the world.

Upsetting news

So when me and my husband Gareth tied the knot in May 2006, we started trying for a baby straightaw­ay.

But after a couple of years, I still wasn’t pregnant.

‘It’ll happen, just give it time,’ friends would say.

When they started having babies of their own, I couldn’t help but feel sad.

I was happy for them, but it was just a reminder that I still wasn’t a mum.

I’ve always been into spiritual things and angels.

So I turned to my angel cards for guidance and positive words.

By 2010, I still hadn’t fallen pregnant. So I went to see my GP and was referred for tests.

When I got the results, I was stunned…

‘Kellie, you’ve got endometrio­sis,’ a doctor said.

It’s a condition where tissue from the lining of the womb is found in other areas.

It can make it difficult to conceive naturally.

‘IVF treatment may be your only chance of having a baby,’ the doctor explained. I was distraught. But Gareth and I were willing to try anything, so we looked into IVF.

And we soon found that we qualified for a free cycle on the NHS.

A wizard

While we waited for our treatment to start, Gareth and I tried to keep occupied. So, one weekend, we visited a winter market. While we were there, we stopped for a drink in a pub. As Gareth headed to the bar and I searched for a table, the pub’s doors suddenly flew open

My whole body shook as I felt his energy 0906 344 7965

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