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rowing up, I thought my body was full of people who helped me do things. There was someone who showed me how to hold in my pee as I ran for the toilet, while another encouraged me to put up my hand in class so I could answer the teacher’s question.

It wasn’t until I reached my teens I realised not everybody had these people inside. They couldn’t sense what I could, either…

Am I crazy?

For instance, they didn’t seem to care the teacher was upset because he’d had a row with his wife.

But his emotions felt so strong to me I ran from the room struggling to breathe. Soon a regular occurrence, I started needing days off to recover.

I didn’t understand why, within 60 seconds of meeting someone, I’d be able to see, feel and hear things about them. I must be crazy, I thought. I became afraid to go into a shop because interactin­g with the person on the till would make me feel dizzy.

I saw a therapist, doctors, but nothing helped.

At 17, I fell pregnant with my daughter Melissa, now 26.

I married her dad, my highschool sweetheart, at 20, and we had three other kids –

Wayne, 25, Jessica, 24,

and Emily 23. Sadly, we divorced when I was 27.

Soon after, I met Dave, the one that got away.

On a motorbike trip across Canada, he was burly, bald with a goatee and tattoos. My kind of man.

Well, he was…


‘Why do I always go for the wrong men?’ I asked myself, thinking I should be going for someone more clean-cut.

So I ended it with Dave and we went our separate ways. But four months later, I discovered I was pregnant.

Strangely, I’d continued having periods, but had felt unwell.

A test confirmed the news I was having a baby.

It was another four months before I plucked up the courage to phone Dave, though.

But before I could speak...

‘I’m back with my ex,’ he said. ‘She’s

pregnant.’ As it had been my choice to end our relationsh­ip, I couldn’t bring myself to say I was, too.

So when he asked me how I was getting on, I remained silent about the pregnancy.

A psychic?

When Keghan, now 16, was born, I resigned

Dave is themanof mydreams Would welcoming the spirits ease my anxiety?

like that?’ the cashier asked, seeing my eyes on the book. ‘Yes,’ I replied. ‘I believe people like you are psychic,’ she said.

Intrigued, I took a business card from her counter.

It was for a medium. I immediatel­y made an appointmen­t with her.


Well into her 80s, she looked at me and said, ‘My dear, you are a medium. That’s what’s wrong with you’. ‘I don’t want to talk to dead people,’ I said. ‘You have no choice,’ she replied. So, were the people in my body spirits? And would welcoming them rather than pushing them away help ease my anxiety?

There was only one way to find out.

As I started giving readings to friends and family, I began to understand I was meeting the spirits of their lost loved ones, giving me informatio­n about their lives. I wasn’t crazy after all! And I started to enjoy my newfound career.

Not angry

Meanwhile, six years after meeting Dave, I was in a bar following the break-up of my third marriage when I realised he was there! He’d travelled to the city with friends and had never been to the bar before – it was fate! ‘I’m single!’ Dave said. I had to tell him about Keghan, then 6, so we arranged to meet the following day. I was so scared he’d be angry, but he was thrilled. He understood why I’d kept the news from him, and said he’d never stopped loving me.

Happy family

Keghan bonded with Dave and his daughter, also 6, immediatel­y.

We started dating again and married three years later, becoming a happy family.

And, with Dave’s support, my skills as a medium went from strength to strength. Now I work full time, giving readings to people across the globe.

And I got a TV show, Mom’s A Medium, which came about after I gave a producer a reading.

The cameras show my life is never boring. As well as having two teenagers at home, I’m also a grandmothe­r to three.

Home is a ranch with eight dogs, four cats, three ponies, four donkeys, two rabbits, seven horses, a peacock called Walter and a rooster called Henry!

It took a while to understand my gift, and then rediscover the man of my dreams, but now life couldn’t be better.

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