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men assumed they’d passed out, but when they came to, Steve was still driving the car and it was violently shuddering.


When Steve looked at the clock, an hour and a half had passed. What’d happened in that time?

Dazed, they’d continued to their friend’s house.


Banging on the house door, they were shaking with fright as they revealed what had happened. Steve and Chris asked for pens and paper to draw what they’d seen. Once they’d calmed down, they went home, but Steve couldn’t get the encounter out of his head.

He had strange dreams, saw shapes and developed severe headaches.

Doctors gave him a CT scan to see if there was anything medically wrong, but there was nothing.

Some things couldn’t be explained by science…

Steve didn’t believe in UFOS, but couldn’t think of any other explanatio­n. Reading about my UFO expertise, he contacted me and recounted the story.

Strange beings

It sent shivers down my spine. I interviewe­d both men separately and their stories matched.

To get to the bottom of what’d happened, I called in the help of Helen Walters, a qualified hypnothera­pist and psychic.

She hypnotised Steve and Chris – they were clearly affected. Both jerked about and Steve burst into tears.

Under hypnosis, he said the car had stopped and the door was opened by three strange beings.

Around 4ft tall, they were grey, with childlike bodies, large pear-shaped heads and black eyes.

Steve was put on a floating stretcher and both men were taken into a UFO, stripped and examined by the strange beings.

Other brown aliens with folds of skin covering their faces passed a pulsating, orange, diamondsha­ped light across their bodies.

Both recalled agonising pain – Steve in his stomach, Chris in his eye. Steve said it felt like he was stabbed with a red-hot poker.

The pair were then dragged across the room and dressed before being put back in the car. It was the strangest tale I’d heard, but I’d no doubt they were telling the truth. They didn’t want publicity, just help. They had new scars on their bodies, and their lie detector tests both came back clear. While it’s scary to think Steve’s road trip resulted in him being taken into a strange craft, maybe it proves alien life does exist. We all need to keep our eyes peeled for weird objects, extraterre­strial beings and signs of non-human intelligen­ce. After Steve’s story, it’s only a matter of time before these creatures strike again. And you could be next…

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