Chat It's Fate

Vanished theories Get in touch

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There was silence. Then came his final, haunting words: ‘It’s not an aircraft!’

This was again followed by silence, apart from a scraping metallic sound for a few seconds.

That was the last anyone heard from Fred Valentich.

He had seemingly vanished without a trace.

The mystery was compounded by reports from a few witnesses claiming to have seen the

very same UFO late on the Well, you know me… I like to let you hear other explanatio­ns that can be taken into considerat­ion. One of the theories is that Fred simply got disorienta­ted in the night sky, managed to invert his aircraft and saw his own lights from the plane reflected on the sea’s surface. He then smashed into the waters below. Another theory is that he got confused, lost his bearings, and was actually looking at lights from a small island. Again, they say he crashed his plane into the sea in panic. Valentich was a UFO buff and this could have easily sent his mind in to overdrive, irrational­ly thinking that what he was seeing was an alien aircraft, causing him immense fear and resulting in him crashing. Whatever happened to Fred Valentich, one thing we do know is that something frightened Fred that night. A UFO? Perhaps. But more likely a case of Fred being plane crazy!

it was chasing him, playing cat- andmouse

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