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Top seeds!

Eat these and you'll be onto a winner!


Little seeds deliver a powerful health punch! They’re so rich in goodness, just two tablespoon­s of seeds a day will give your diet supersized benefits. Keep a selection in a jar for snacks, sprinkle on your dinner or grind to a powder and add to smoothies, yogurt or sprinkle over cereal. There’s a seed for everything. Get munching!

Building block

Protein is the building block of life. You need it to repair and make new cells. Good sources are sunflower, pumpkin, linseed, sesame seeds and the superstar seed, hemp!

Keep it moving

Most of us don’t get enough fibre, but we need it to keep our gut healthy and help prevent heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and some cancers. High five to linseed and chia seeds.

Bone strengthen­ers

As well as calcium, our bones need zinc, magnesium, phosphorou­s and manganese. These are found in most seeds, but sesame seeds give you a hit of all these minerals.

Immune boosters

Take zinc, iron, folate and Vitamin B6. Sesame seeds come out tops! Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are full of zinc, folate and iron, but linseed and rape seeds have B6.

Cholestero­l busters

Mother Nature’s seeds contain phytostero­ls that lower cholestero­l. Sesame seeds score again! Followed by sunflower and pumpkin.

Flush away!

Hot flushes are a symptom of menopause affecting 80 per cent of women, sometimes making life a misery. Flax seeds may offer relief. This may be because they’re high in Omega 3 fatty acids, but some studies say it’s a compound called lignans in this seed that reduce symptoms. Start with 2tbsp and build up slowly to 4 as that’s a lot of fibre for your body to deal with.

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Healthy handful: Strong seeds

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