Chat It's Fate

Feel the buzz!

Our winged friends have many magical gifts to share


Love bug

I n Chinese mythology, the bee was a symbol of love and marriage. It was often pictured in a state of pollinatio­n, sitting gently on top of a flower. This represente­d two people coming together to cement their love and commitment, and was also linked to fertility. being In Roman mythology, Cupid is sometimes depicted love can hurt, stung by a bee – the idea being that sometimes especially if you act recklessly!

Pair up

If you’re looking for love or you just want to give your relationsh­ip a boost, invest in some images of bees. Either frame them together or place them in pairs next to each other. If you can’t find any suitable artwork, cut pictures from magazines and stick them together on a sheet of paper. Draw a circle around the pictures to represent an affectiona­te partnershi­p. love. Place near a mirror to reflect your wishes for

Bee a saviour

E instein theorised that if bees disappeare­d, humans wouldn’t survive more than four years because bees play such an important role in our ecosystem. In truth, without bees, the majority of fruit and vegetables would disappear, and our diets would be restricted and unhealthy. Currently, bees are at risk from pesticides, habitat loss and a number of other factors, but there is something we can do to prevent creatures. the decline in honey bees and save these magical

Do it!

Create a bee-friendly haven by avoiding the use of pesticides in your garden. Try wherever possible to grow plants they love. Borage and Buckwheat produce nectar in abundance and encourage many different types of bumble bees to forage. Other bee-friendly plants and flowers include lavender, asters, dahlias, honeysuckl­e, foxgloves and snapdragon­s. If in doubt, dedicate an area of your garden to the bees. Invest in a packet of wild flower seeds and sprinkle these randomly to create the perfect habitat for pollinator­s. Take a minute to check out and request your Bee Saver Kit.

What a team!

Apopular emblem for shamans, the bee is a symbol of balance and teamwork. It’s often used as a shamanisti­c tool to gain access to the spirit world and heal the soul. Bees are the alchemists of the insect community. They pollinate plants and flowers and produce honey. Working in harmony to support the queen, the bee creates a brand of magic that lets it use its specific talents. The shape and the way they’re built means they shouldn’t be able to fly, but that doesn’t stop bees soaring through the skies. They’ve even developed a form of communicat­ion known as the waggle dance, which reveals the location of the nectar they’ve gathered. This creature shows us we can achieve great things when we connect with others.

Waggle it!

Create your own waggle dance based on the infinity symbol to focus the mind and improve psychic skills. Find a space where you won’t be disturbed and mark out a figure of eight on the floor. You can do this using physical markers like stones or crystals, or simply begin to walk the pattern. Pace the figure of eight over and over in a loop. As you walk, concentrat­e on the beat of every single footstep. Breathe deeply and see the number eight in your mind. Increase the speed of your steps for a couple of minutes, then bring it back to a gentle pace until you eventually come to a stop. You should feel more relaxed and a lot more in tune with your intuition.

Sweet stuff T

hey say honey’s the food of the Gods, and it really was according to Greek myth. The God of Thunder and Lightning – Zeus – was fed honey by the bees as a baby. It’s no wonder he turned out to be the father of the Gods and all powerful! He’s not alone in his love of the sweet stuff. The Ancient Egyptians were fans, too, and offerings of honey were made to the Gods and placed in sacred tombs. Even more impressive, when discovered recently in burial chambers, the honey was perfectly preserved and edible! One of the biggest mythical honey fans is the beautiful Yoruba Goddess, Oshun. Her worshipper­s leave gifts of honey when petitionin­g but they always her, taste it first to check for quality and sweetness!

Attract riches!

Because of its gorgeous colour and sweetness, honey’s linked to the sun and associated with abundance. It can be used in rituals to attract good fortune. Take some squirty honey and drizzle the shape of a sun on a piece of bread or toast. Ask the Goddess Oshun to bless you with prosperity, then eat the toast, leaving just a few crumbs on your plate. Then scatter all the crumbs outside beneath the midday sun.

 ??  ?? Beating heart: Strong love Clever Einstein: Perfect prediction
Beating heart: Strong love Clever Einstein: Perfect prediction
 ??  ?? Bee friendly: Pollen power
Bee friendly: Pollen power
 ??  ?? Picture yourself in a loving relationsh­ip
Picture yourself in a loving relationsh­ip
 ??  ?? Feel relaxed: Tune in
Feel relaxed: Tune in
 ??  ?? Beautiful Oshun: Honey fan
Beautiful Oshun: Honey fan
 ??  ?? Buzzy bees: Hiving fun
Buzzy bees: Hiving fun
 ??  ?? Feeling toasty: Bee prosperous
Feeling toasty: Bee prosperous

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