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Body of water t

Yours is made up of it, so don’t let it run dry!


Your body consists of two-thirds water! H20 lubricates your joints, eyes, aids digestion, flushes out waste and toxins and keeps skin healthy.

What happens?

Dehydratio­n happens when you lose more fluids than you take in. And this has a knockon effect with the balance of minerals in your body. Severe dehydratio­n can result in brain damage, fits and death. You have been warned!

Watch out!

Severe dehydratio­n is a medical emergency, but mild or moderate dehydratio­n can cause: Low mood and energy levels: Not drinking enough slows down body processes, bringing you with it. Brain function: Your brain cells shrink and contract without enough fluids, leading to poor concentrat­ion. Parched brains work harder than well-watered ones. Headaches: Your brain is protected by a fluid sack. If you run low on water, it begins to shrink and your brain starts to bump into your bony skull. Ouch! Halitosis: Saliva keeps your mouth healthy and free from bacteria. A dry mouth leads to

bacteria overgrowth and stinky breath. Constipati­on: Waste can’t move through your gut if you’re low on water. Premature aging: Keep skin pumped up. Like leaves without water, your skin will dry out and wrinkle.

Need a drink?

If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated! It’s time to test your fluid levels. Skin test: Pinch the skin on the back of your hand between thumb and forefinger. Let it go. If it takes more than two seconds to go back to its normal position, you need water. Wee test: Pale with a tinge of yellow? Good. Yellow? Not good. Orange? You’re in the danger zone and severely dehydrated.

Snack attack

Your brain can often confuse hunger and thirst. Feeling a little peckish? Drink a glass of water and then wait for 15 minutes. You may be surprised to find you don’t need that snack.

 ??  ?? Water wonder: Stay hydrated
Water wonder: Stay hydrated

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