Chat It's Fate

Boss in a million

Trish Mitchell, 61, from Canterbury, Kent


When I did an aromathera­py course back in 1993, I realised I was a natural spiritual healer.

That’s when I met my spirit guide, a Chinese man who’s an Ascended Master – people who’ve evolved over many lives and dwell in a higher dimension.

My guide is at least 600 years old. He has kind eyes, a wrinkled face, and a white beard. He dresses all in blue.

When he’s close, our energies merge. My face becomes wrinkled like his. I even stroke my top lip, like he strokes his moustache! He’s always there for me. ‘My child, trust that we’re here for you,’ he tells me.

He is beside me when I do readings. And he’s in charge of my team of spirit guides.

He’s the best boss ever! l www.zen-aromathera­

 ??  ?? Spirit guide: Merged energies
Spirit guide: Merged energies
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