Chat It's Fate

Dogged strength

Find your inner reserve at times of loss


Canine-headed Anubis, Ancient, Egyptian God of the Afterlife, weighed the hearts of the dead.

This was to determine whether their souls were worthy of entering the Underworld. He’s a powerful deity of protection, strength and resilience, especially for those who’ve lost loved ones or are experienci­ng a difficult ending. If you’re going through a time of grief and wondering how you’ll get through it, call upon the energy of Anubis.

How to use it!

Cut out the Dreamcatch­er and stick it onto a piece of card. Position in a special place with two green candles on either side to create an altar. Light the candles and some incense, and sit until you feel calm. Trust Anubis to give you the strength to get through this challengin­g time, and allow the tears to fall. Perform this ritual every day for seven days or longer if you need more support.

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